Weak Stomach

Nursing Students General Students


HI my name is Jamie and this is my second semester in my 2 1/2 year program to become an RN. Right now I am taking Nursing Fundaments; therefore I am bathing, changing beds and cleaning bedpans...... I am so worried because I have a weak stomach and I don't want that to stop me from finishing this program......I really want to become a nurse!!! Any advise or tips that might help?

Thanks!! :o)


I have been a RN for > 30 years. I worke ICU for 20 years and still to this day cannot stand the sight or sound of suctioning. I also cannot stand to look at it . Make me want to toss my cookies every time.

Specializes in Correctional RN.
omg i can totally relate to you! during clinical i have to ask a classmate to assist me when cleaning a patient that has defecated on the bed or brief. i have to do this because i need to be on the side where the patient cannot see me because my eyes are watering and i am silently gagging (sometimes not so silently). i can handle vomit, mucus, urine, and blood--but not poop. hell, i gag at my own poop. lol.

i have been a rn for > 30 years. i worke icu for 20 years and still to this day cannot stand the sight or sound of suctioning. i also cannot stand to look at it . make me want to toss my cookies every time.


[banana]inverse intake

involuntary personal protein spill [/banana]:barf01::bugeyes::chuckle

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