Wcccd last semester!!!!!!!


To all the Wcccd Med-Surg 4 & Pediatric student nurses:

Hang in there! A mere 16 wks and we are done!!!!! Congrats and good luck on your final semester :yeah::yeah::yeah:

Congrats NurseeGurl!

I am starting my 3rd semester of nursing school - Med/Surg 3 and Psyche- next week. Please give me some words of encouragement from your experience. I am terrified by the things I have been hearing. Thank you!


Rn2b, dont get stuck on what everyone else says about anything in nursing school. You have to form your own opinion on everything for yourself. Pysch was sooo interesting to me and I have never worked as hard as i did in med-surg 3 to date. Lol dont let that scare you though, I did it and feel i will be a better nurse because of it. Where are you going for your clinicals? Hang in there, study hard and you will do great =) good luck

Med/Surg 3 -Henry Ford Main

Psych - Kingswood

Congrats to you too Nurseegirl. I can't believe this is almost over, nursing school has been the best and worst time of my life. I agree Psych was very interesting and Dr. C was a great instructor and Med/Surg 3 nearly killed me emotionally and mentally but I believe that I will be a better nurse because of my clinical instructor (S.T.). I wish you all the best and we only have 15 weeks and we are done! But it is really just the beginning of another chapter, one that I am looking forward to!

Med/Surg 3 -Henry Ford Main

Psych - Kingswood

You can't go wrong at henry ford main. You will either get the guy who is really nice and will help you on any skills you feel you are lacking or you will get s.t. and she will make u bust your butt and you will come out feeling like if you got through that, you can do anything. :)

missigg... congrats to you too! I know s.t.'s clinical was by far the most difficult for me, but i do think i am better for it. she is actually nice and was willing to help with some things that i was new too. i guess u just have to ask =) ok all done and over with. where are you going this semester?

I have Med/Surg 4 first with A.W-W at Harper (I did M/S 2 there too) and Peds with M.B at St. John Main for the second half. Where are you this semester?

I have a question for those who have had S.T. for clinicals any pointers?!? I am a bit nervous I am trying to over come that before I see her in person. I had her for pharm, she said herself she is by far the most difficult clinical instructor at our school. I have heard horror stories about Med errors, but other than that I know she expects you to know and remember EVERYTHING!! I just want to have an idea what i am going into so I am a little at ease. Thank you for your time good luck in the last semester, I am sure you will do great!! :-)

I'm in 4 first too but at receiving with S.G. and then at childrens with whoever the theory teacher is. (cant remember her name). Good luck, I have been reading these neuro chapters and they are pretty deep.

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