Water weight gain


Good Morning Sunday to you all!

My weight for this pregnancy has been so good. I was at 15 pound as of week 34 but then gained 7 pounds since. I am wondering if you can gain water weight and it not show? The reason I ask this is b/c my clothes still fit and my body isn't swollen. Also, what is the typical weight gain for the last few weeks of pregnancy?



How quickly have you gained the 7 lbs.? I don't mean to be alarmist, but I would suggest checking your blood pressure to make sure it isn't going up if the weight gain was in a short period of time.

If your blood pressure is up, I would suggest calling your md.

If your blood pressure is ok, I believe that a pound a week in the last few weeks may ring a bell from my OB class. The baby gains a lot in the last few weeks.

Just make sure to rule out preeclampsia if your weight gain has been sudden and quick.

I hope you have an easy delivery and a healthy baby!


Graduated May 14, 2005, passed NCLEX July 2005, orienting in the ICU.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

that is a considerable weight gain the last 2-3 weeks of your pregnancy. I would have this investigated by your OB at your earliest opportunity. Good luck.

My BP is 110/68 the last two weeks. So toxemia is out. I guess my eating was a bit much.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

lol perhaps. So how close are you to delivery exactly?

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

I believe I gained 15 pounds the day the doctor told me I was pregnant. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Heck...I gained a whopping 67 pounds with baby number one (I was 98 pounds when I got preggo with her). I lost it quickly, and was skinny again before she cut her first tooth. :D I gained 42 pounds with baby number two, and lost that weight pretty easy too. With baby number 3, I gained 38 pounds, and the day she was delivered, I weighed myself, and only lost 8 pounds....that's how much she weighed. :lol2: I said Whaaaa???? You mean I only lost 8 pounds? Didn't the placenta weigh anything? :lol2: However, I lost all that weight too, but it took a little longer. I didn't start to gain weight that I had a hard time losing until I hit 45. :bluecry1: And.........it's been downhill ever since. :bluecry1:

Listen to the OB nurses here...........let your doc know what you gained, and make sure you and baby are progressing healthy and all. :kiss

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Good Morning Sunday to you all!

My weight for this pregnancy has been so good. I was at 15 pound as of week 34 but then gained 7 pounds since. I am wondering if you can gain water weight and it not show? The reason I ask this is b/c my clothes still fit and my body isn't swollen. Also, what is the typical weight gain for the last few weeks of pregnancy?



Hey, Jenn ,

Glad you are doing so well. Yeah, you MUST get your OBs opinion on the weight gain. Glad your pressure is o.k. Yep, that little babe is putting on weight here at the end. But, you must be careful that the weight gain is within safe parameters. You are due when now????? I cannot remember.

You doing o.k. today?

Oh, yeah, Jenn.........how are you going to let us know you are in labor? I can see it now........ "No, I cannot leave right now, I need to sign on at Allnurses.com and let my buds know I am on my way to the hospital. Now don't try to talk me out of this...... I need to do this. It will not take long. (goodness :eek: .....I need to push, I think........but, gotta sign on and tell them what's up.........uh oh :idea: .........COULD SOMEONE BOIL SOME WATER AND TEAR UP THE OLD SHEETS..........I THINK I WILL BE HERE FOR A LITTLE WHILE ..............pant...pant....pant....uh,oh.........someone want to cut the cord here????????........Hey, :w00t: it's a ??????? :kiss ...............")

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

:rotfl: Siri...you are nuts..........in a good crazy sort of way. :rotfl:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
:rotfl: Siri...you are nuts..........in a good crazy sort of way. :rotfl:

geritol.jpg......took my vitametavegimin today, Cheer


You guys crack me right up! Actually, I was looking over my notes and I gaine 6 pounds in 5 weeks so i guess that ain't too bad since I heard 1 pound a week is normal but I have been eating more sweets and more food. I was hoping the baby would be pushing on my tummy and I wouldn't be as hungry. I know that I will be posting here as I am getting ready to go to the hospital. There is nothing I would want more than to le you all know since you have been a nice support for me. I don't have any friends or family around who ask about my pregnancy/less seem to care and it is nice when someone opens their arms to me. Ahhh, I am in the nesting mode and feeling all warm inside. LOL. I am 12 days until I am due. Thank goodness for my doula who is a pediatic nurse practitioner. She is awesome and we have hit it off so great.

Just to let you know that I am under some stress not bad stress but I guess good stress. My husband just got a really great job offer to go to California and we have to move there by the end of the year. We have to sell a house, find a place out there plus move plus have a baby and everything else. We just moved here to Virginia a year ago and we are already packing up again so that I why I seem a bit nervous and needy lately. I wanted to give you a background of where I am coming from. Thanks for listening.


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
You guys crack me right up! Actually, I was looking over my notes and I gaine 6 pounds in 5 weeks so i guess that ain't too bad since I heard 1 pound a week is normal but I have been eating more sweets and more food. I was hoping the baby would be pushing on my tummy and I wouldn't be as hungry. I know that I will be posting here as I am getting ready to go to the hospital. There is nothing I would want more than to le you all know since you have been a nice support for me. I don't have any friends or family around who ask about my pregnancy/less seem to care and it is nice when someone opens their arms to me. Ahhh, I am in the nesting mode and feeling all warm inside. LOL. I am 12 days until I am due. Thank goodness for my doula who is a pediatic nurse practitioner. She is awesome and we have hit it off so great.

Just to let you know that I am under some stress not bad stress but I guess good stress. My husband just got a really great job offer to go to California and we have to move there by the end of the year. We have to sell a house, find a place out there plus move plus have a baby and everything else. We just moved here to Virginia a year ago and we are already packing up again so that I why I seem a bit nervous and needy lately. I wanted to give you a background of where I am coming from. Thanks for listening.


Great!! Sounds like you are right on regarding the weight gain.

I can imagine that you are stressed about the move.

Ya know, it's no wonder you are craving sweets, Jenn. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.

Betcha you look like this:


(((SIRI))) I am in stitches now laughing. That picture is so funny. Thanks for making my day.

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