Washington Hospital Center October 2012 Residency

Nurses General Nursing



I just wanted to start a thread on here for everybody else who got into the October Residency!

Congrats to everyone who is already in, and Good Luck to everyone else interviewing this week :)

For those of you who have been interviewed already or are about to interview, what units did you request?

Hello all! I applied for the October 2012 RN Residency program - top 3 choices 1) cardiac surgery step-down 2) cardiovascular step-down 3) medicine cardiology. I would be well researched before the interview and always professional. I personalized my resume and cover letter specifically to the hospital. I am not sure if these things helped me get selected, but they can't hurt.

I received an offer for the October 2012 residency on 4F-cardiac surgery step-down! I am moving from Colorado, so I will be looking for advice and a roommate or two! Good luck!! I hope to be seeing some of you in October

for those of you who have been interviewed already or are about to interview, what units did you request?

i requested intermediate care, surgical/transplant/orthopedic, and medicine/pulmonary, i got offered to interview for medicine/pulmonary this week... Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!


Thanks! Good luck!

Hi elBSN,

I will be interviewing for the same unit this week. Any advice? They told me I would be discussing benefits before the interview. Did you do that too? I know there is a union at WHC, so is there any room for negotiation or is the offer a take it or leave it situation?

Also, did they give you anything to do before the Oct 22nd start date besides the physical? Or are you just enjoying the time off until then?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

You'll need to have your DC license before starting (as well as current CPR). The union has set wages, so it is a 'take-it-or-leave-it' situation for staff nurses. The union is mandatory. I think normally they do the discussion of benefits/interview with HR first. In my case, for whatever reason, I interviewed on the unit first (due to some scheduled meetings). You need a 2-step PPD to start working (You can get the first PPD shortly before, and the 2nd during orientation week, on your own time, at Occ Health). I am under the impression that at least 1 of the PPDs must be done though Occ health. You also need flu shots (and all the other normal vaccinations).

For New2DC: From your screen name I'm assuming you are not familiar with the area. What are you doing as far as housing? I'm interviewing this week and I'm also from out of state. So I'm trying to plan accordingly.

I finished my interview today for the October 2012 residency program! I applied last Friday and got a call Wednesday, interview today! Hope all goes well and I hear something soon! If so...i'll see you guys/gals in October :)! *pray for me* :)

Stroke/Medicine! waiting for an offer after today's interview!

Stroke/Medicine! waiting for an offer after today's interview!

Have they gotten back to you yet??

i requested intermediate care, surgical/transplant/orthopedic, and medicine/pulmonary, i got offered to interview for medicine/pulmonary this week... Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!


Did they offer you a position?

Got the job! see u all in October! :)

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