Want out of nursing

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone, I didn't know where to look for advice, but I figured here would be a good start! I'm currently an LPN in Ohio, have been one for about 2 years now and I absolutely hate it. I completed one semester of the LPN to RN transition program here in my town and decided not to go back. I thought I would love nursing, but I don't. I'm already tired of working short, being on call, getting called in to work 16-18 hr shifts, crappy managers, and all of the other crap that comes with being a nurse. I dread going into work everyday. I was wondering if anyone else had this happen, and what did they do? I changed my major to Medical Laboratory Technician, its something Ive looked at for a long time now and finally decided its what I want to do. My problem is now that I want out of my job, I don't want to be a nurse, but I have no idea what kind of job i can get now while i go back to school. I don't want to be where i am right now for another two years before I graduate. Does anyone have any ideas? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Specializes in Post Anesthesia, Pre-Op.

Hi Shoelacy, I feel your frustration. If it were me I would stick with it and finish your RN transition just because there are many more options for RN's than there are with LPN's. I agree with others though that you could find a job in another department that would probably be better. One thing I thought of is nurse treatment room. I go to a clinic to get allergy shots every week and most of the staff at the nurse treatment room LPN's. They do things like shots, wound care, IV therapy fluids for antibiotics, etc. Might want to see if you can get a job doing that instead of going backwards to being a lab tech. You would be so bored out of your mind, I did it for about a year and hated it. You have many more options and not to mention more pay, as an RN or LPN than a lab tech. Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

You sound like you're just really burned out. There are a dozen threads about burnout and how to deal with it. It could be that chucking your job (and nursing) is exactly what you need. But first, please explore some less nuclear options. I've found that changing shifts, changing jobs within my specialty, changing my specialty or changing my employer have all helped burnout in the past. Once I had a tantrum, quit my job, sold my house and moved 3000 miles - it did wonders for my burnout! I wouldn't recommend that as an actual strategy, though.

You could always apply for a Registration position in the hospital. You'd be working with patients, still be employed by the hospital since you're going to stay in Healthcare. Also, the often have openings for ER Registration staff on the weekends,or odd shifts while you're in school.

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