Waking up early again for clinicals

Nursing Students General Students


I am the biggest night owl. During Christmas break Ive been staying up until 3am. Now school is starting in a week and I have to start waking up early for clinicals (6am!) Any other night owls out there? How do you transition to waking up early or the early birds how do you do it by coping with waking up early? Im getting in a lot of sleep because I know Im about to be sleep deprived!:crying2:

I am naturally a night owl, but I force myself to have regular hours due to school. However I have had times when I did not sleep for three days straight. This was absolutely horrible. Dr. put me on trazodone, and then amibien, ddnt work. When I took ambien I became very hyper and apparently acted very odd. It didnt put me to sleep, but made me walk around in a type of sleepwalking haze. Now I take gabapentin, neurontin, for sleep. It is an anti-epileptic, but it works to put me to sleep. If I do not take it, I will simply stay awake for days-I do not know why:confused:

I'm no doctor but can anyone say 'Mania?'


Sorry... :) I sometimes have this problem. 4-5 days up straight... Even if I throw in a double shift or 3.

I'm no doctor but can anyone say 'Mania?'


Sorry... :) I sometimes have this problem. 4-5 days up straight... Even if I throw in a double shift or 3.

I have wondered if it was mania, but I have seen psychiatrist for at least 10 years and I have been diagnosed with major depression. I even had ECT's after I lost my job of six years. For three years I have been great, no depression, very motivated. Just the insomnia once and a while, however I never feel, you know, like I am out of touch with reality? I don't know, could it be mania Mr. Stanley?!

I have wondered if it was mania, but I have seen psychiatrist for at least 10 years and I have been diagnosed with major depression. I even had ECT's after I lost my job of six years. For three years I have been great, no depression, very motivated. Just the insomnia once and a while, however I never feel, you know, like I am out of touch with reality? I don't know, could it be mania Mr. Stanley?!

I wouldn't have a clue, that's just MY issue with sleep. I am also wary of shrinks. The psych of 10 years... is it the same one. I would suggest multiple psychs. Some times they are shooting in the dark when trying to diagnose.

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