
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi all, I just need to vent, sooo thanks for listening.

This waiting is killing me.:confused: Here it is already June and no "letter" yet.

Most everyone from my A&PII class has heard (rejected), but I haven't. Every time I call admissions I get "your application is Complete and Being reviewed" boy my transcript must be long....LOL:bugeyes:

Well thanks for letting me rant...


Hi all, I just need to vent, sooo thanks for listening.

This waiting is killing me.:confused: Here it is already June and no "letter" yet.

Most everyone from my A&PII class has heard (rejected), but I haven't. Every time I call admissions I get "your application is Complete and Being reviewed" boy my transcript must be long....LOL:bugeyes:

Well thanks for letting me rant...


Hang in there, no news is good news, and if you didn't get a rejection letter that means you are still being considered. chin up you'll get in.

Thanks Guys...

You are all so great. I have tried to let go and let God, but orientation is this friday and I have a weird feeling if I don't keep bugging them they will forget all about me.... silly aint it.

I really am greatful for the vibes and best wishes and all the allnurses friends here.

Mystic- did you here yet??? How was spain???

Thanks Guys...

You are all so great. I have tried to let go and let God, but orientation is this friday and I have a weird feeling if I don't keep bugging them they will forget all about me.... silly aint it.

I really am greatful for the vibes and best wishes and all the allnurses friends here.

Mystic- did you here yet??? How was spain???

Hey there, tuesday I have to call for a verbal confirmation and then after that acceptance letters go out, will give an update when I hear the word.

Just an update....

still waiting... boy I think the mailman is afraid of me LOL:lol2:


Hang in there... did they mail out the letters already?

Im sending you positive vibes ///////////////////

Did you get em?



Thanks for the vibes. I can use them all.



Thanks for the support. They have sent out letters already. But I guess I am in what is called second round??? So I am still waiting. I spoke to the addmissions director and he said to wait till Monday. If I haven't recieved anything by then to call him. So thats what I am doing.....I am going CRAZY


P.S. I am SOOOOO happy for you, you are gonna be great.(Are you nervous??)

Good luck! That has to be nerve wrecking. At least you were not "rejected" but are now on a different wait list. Are you considering applying elsewhere?

I know when I start to apply for schools, I'm going to apply to many - in fact, I've got three in mind just in case haha.


Thanks for the response. I applied to two programs this year, already rejected from one. This one I am waiting for is my last shot (this Year).




Good Luck!!! Everything will happen when its supposed to happen. Let Go & Let GOD! Thats my motto.


Good Luck!!! Everything will happen when its supposed to happen. Let Go & Let GOD! Thats my motto.

that's my motto too.......but sometimes it is hard to do when you want something so bad. thanks your thoughts really help.


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