

Hello everyone,

I came here because you can commiserate with me. I took my test on thurs june 15th in california. Sorry for the lack of proper capitalization, I'm just too irritated to care enough to fix it :uhoh3:.

Anyhow, CA does not participate in the rapid results and it's killing me. I had 75 questions, no math, alot of prioritizing and felt like I was making a best guess half the time. I felt ok right after the test then the impending doom began to creep up.

I was holding out for this morning thinking positive that it would be there, I'm doing my hospital orientation so am up early this week. I checked about 5:30 and there was nothing for me. I checked again at 5:45 site was being "updated" I thought "oh please let my name be listed". Back up at 6am, nothing for me. WAHHHHHHHHH I wanted to throw up, stomp my feet and cry all at the same time.

This wait is making me feel bitter and disillusioned. Thanks for listening (reading) and letting me vent.


(RN Hopeful)

I haven't taken the test yet but I know that test day ( july 1st ) is looming. I am so terrified. I am sure you did fine. Good luck!

I understand where you coming from but at least you have an internet site to look at us lvns just gotta wait 3-4 weeks i took my test on 10 of june and im going crazy so hang in there you will get good news let us know


Just wanted to wish you the best of luck! Hopefully your wait will end sooner rather than later.

Specializes in School Nurse-ran away from med-surg fast.

Good luck! I feel your pain. I am not so patiently waiting for tomorrow when my results will be posted.

TXNurse.......... good luck, I hope the waiting it worhtwhile :)

I found out at 4:30am that I passed, a friend from the east coast checked before work and called to wake me up and tell me. I was so scared of looking and being disappointed wth my name not being on the website that it was a nice way of finding out.

Back to sleep for an hour before i have ot get ready for orientation.

Thanks for everyone's support.


Tracy, RN

Tracy....Congratulations!! Did you graduate this year? Just wondering because when I received my letter of eligibility to test, my transcripts were still pending. I am also in California and took my NCLEX on 6/17. I've been crazy...waiting to see If I've passed or not, and as of this morning still no license on the BRN web site. Our school transcripts were sent out May 31st and I'm not sure what the turnaround time is for the BRN to post them. I can't get my test results until this is done so I'm wondering if anyone knows the average wait time?

This is my first time posting but I've been reading several posts regarding NCLEX. Like everyone else, I also left the test feeling like I had failed miserably. I was the 15th person going into the test and when my test shut off at 75 questions an hour and 15 minutes later, there were still 14 people taking the test. I feel like I must have totally bombed. It seems like most of the people who took the test remember a lot about the questions they were asked. I couldn't tell you how many of each type I had. I remember a lot of priority questions and several med side effects questions (of meds that were totally unfamiliar to me), some psych stuff, but my head is pretty much spinning after that test and I really don't remember too much at this point. I imagine I have stress induced amnesia. :zzzzz Does anyone know how often the California BRN website is updated? Is it a continuous process or should I just check once a day?


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