volunteering for nursing application

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


What type of volunteer work did you do and how did you find it?

I applied to John Muir online and then they contact you. Kaiser has the same thing. Just find a place that isn't full and needs more volunteers! Its pretty boring to be honest, but it looks good on applications

Specializes in mental health / psychiatic nursing.

I volunteered with a local hospice agency. They helped my family when my grandmother needed hospice care, and after enough time had passed I started volunteering with them to give back. It was a really meaningful experience and helped me solidify my decision to go into nursing.

You can look at local hospitals. Some will have extensive volunteer programs and even let you transport residents or be sitters, etc. however, all of the ones I looked at required you promise you'd volunteer for 100 hours in a year.

Specializes in Pedi.

In high school, I volunteered at the hospital in my town. I also volunteered at the local food pantry and at dances for teenagers with special needs and probably other random things I'm forgetting. I was involved in several community service clubs. I did some decorating at local nursing homes and when I was in middle school, used to go to them to play Christmas carols with other kids in the band. By high school I had quit band.

In college, I volunteered at summer camps for children with epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life threatening illnesses. I found these somewhat randomly- epilepsy camp through my local epilepsy foundation, the camp for children affected by HIV/AIDS through a friend and the other one through a website that was a sponsor of it. I also volunteered organizing blood drives on campus and participated in 7 service trips throughout my 4 years in college- the only break I didn't spend on a service trip was winter break my freshman year.

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

I do service trips as well! That's awesome to hear. I was wondering; during your 4 years in college, did you take summer classes to complete your pre-requisites before getting in to your nursing program? Or did you have those off for trips and complete your courses during the regular semester?

Specializes in Pedi.
I do service trips as well! That's awesome to hear. I was wondering; during your 4 years in college, did you take summer classes to complete your pre-requisites before getting in to your nursing program? Or did you have those off for trips and complete your courses during the regular semester?

I didn't have pre-reqs. I attended a 4 year BSN program. I entered the program directly out of high school and courses that other programs would consider pre-reqs were built into the core nursing curriculum. I didn't take summer classes. I did these service trips during our winter and spring breaks.

I volunteered for a women's domestic violence response team, a hospice, and a program through the state police that helps drug addicts get into treatment. Honestly, my best advice is find something you're passionate about and it won't feel like a drain on your time. I did not love hospice so I wasn't able to stick that out very long, but I volunteered with the domestic violence response team approximately 60hrs/month for almost two years and it was an absolutely irreplaceable experience.

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