Published Aug 23, 2004
1 Post
I am a Registered Practical Nurse from Ontario, Canada. I am interested in working in Alaska and need to know if the new ?? Visa regulations apply to RPN's as well. That was only my first question...I have many, but am confused about that. Do I have to write the NCLEX? I graduated in 1981.
6,620 Posts
RPNs are not able to work in the US like RNs are. You would be considered an LPN or LVN and the NAFTA TN visa is only for RNs. So unless you are able to get a work visa another way, you won't be able to go there to work.
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suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Fergus is correct. It will be faster for you to get your RN, then to wiat for a visa to be approved for you to work in Alsaka. RPNs are not covered under the NAFTA agreement, so you join the rest of the world who is trying to work in the US and get in-line. You arelooking at minimum of three years and probably alot longer.
Sorry that I can't give you the answer that you are looking for.
The only other way is to marry an American or someone that already has a green card.