VDAP and Recommendations


hi - been reading other forums but really would like feedback specific to my situation. Never having heard about vdap - I was accused of an alcohol problem. Even though had not drank in over a month, my employer bullied me to self report in order to "clear my name". in hindsight, yes this was stupid but I just wanted to keep my job being a single mother and no additional income. I was sent to uab who was not helpful, very cold, and just threw inpatient out there in recommendations because that's the standard. now I have been through bradford's eval and they called to schedule recommendations Monday. I am terrified I have now wasted $3500 on a second opinion only to be recommended inpatient to keep my license. I have passed all drug testing. any advice, info, comfort, etc.....

Specializes in Med/surg.

I opted not to do vdap after allegations of diversion. I ended up getting 12 months probation with monitoring. I thought my new employer was going to work with me, but they ended up firing me because I didn't list the hospital that all this happened on my job app. So my manager reported that to board and now I have a new investigation 3 weeks into my probation. This one is for fraud. I kind of want to give up but I'm hanging on. I hope things get better for you....and me.

Isn't vdap through the BON? OP what are they saying since all tests came back negative? WorriedNurseinAL did you have an attorney? They punished you for not doing vdap?

Specializes in Med/surg.

I had no money for an attorney and still don't. So I took the mark and have been totally compliant so far but now I have no idea what they're going to try to do to me. I am going to do a free consultation with an attorney tomorrow.

22 minutes ago, WorriedNurseinAL said:

I had no money for an attorney and still don't. So I took the mark and have been totally compliant so far but now I have no idea what they're going to try to do to me. I am going to do a free consultation with an attorney tomorrow.

Contact the AL bar and tell them you need an attorney. They have a program where you can get an attorney for free, depending on your situation. Similar to legal aid.

Specializes in Med/surg.

Thanks. I will try that.

Specializes in CCU.

WorriedNurseinAL, Hello. I am on a similar path with you. I have been accused of diverting and misdocumeting. I was not always scanning PRN meds, which included narcotics. One shift I didn't scan at all. And theyre saying Im giving too many pain meds. I am wondering what to do, would you please inform me a little bit about your process? Email is fine too. Was the probation on your record. Any input would be much appreciated! 

Specializes in Med/surg.

Hi, yes it is on my record. I refused to do the vdap.  I got 12 months probation. I have 8 months and 20 days left. I found a job at a nursing home. Not a dream job but until my time is up I am rolling with the punches. No key restrictions. Just random drug testing. It sucks but I would rather have a mark on my license than 5 years of them on my back. I have been a nurse 28, almost 29 years. It has killed my soul and made me feel so inferior but I'm working on all that. It's so unfair. 

Specializes in CCU.

I totally understand your situation. I would hate to do a monitoring contract for that many years. However, I am in school and they require an unencumbered license. If I get a mark in my license and it becomes encumbered. I’m screwed. That is the only reason I’m even considering a monitoring program because at least then my license won’t be affected. Ughh

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