VATI Scores...testing Friday


So I see people share Kaplan scores but I am using VATI so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they think about my scores...I know they say 60% and up is generally where you want to be but does anyone have anymore input?? A little background I graduated last year & did VATI but pretty much rushed through and didn't actually get the green light but tested anyway, my comp predictor said I had an 89% chance of passing on the 1st attempt.

Now I am trying again THIS FRIDAY! Here are my scores so far:

6/5/14 - Fundamentals 63.3%

6/29/14 - Pharmacology 70%

7/7/14 - Adult Med Surg 74.4%

7/10/14 - Maternal Newborn 71.7%

7/14/14 - Nursing Care of Children 63.3%

7/15/14 - Mental Health 75%

7/15/14 - Leadership 73.3%

I haven't taken the predictor yet but I took the "NCLEX FINAL" within ATI and only received a 61.3% coach hasn't given me the ok to take the comp predictor yet and wants me to take a comp practice first so I will do that tonight and see what happens.

Hey @Emmi7

I used VATI as one of my resources for the NCLEX. I just took my exam this morning so I don't have my results yet. Your scores for the exams look really good. It took me about 2.5 months (and two tries at the comp predictor) to get my 'green light' from ATI. I am not 100% confident with ATI because they have you retake the same tests over and over again-which isn't helpful in my opinion. I would recommend (if you can) to purchase Linda LaCharity's prioritization and delegation book. I also purchased the Kaplan Strategy book-which was another helpful resource. VATI exams were nothing like the NCLEX questions, in my opinion. Good luck to you!

Hey @Emmi7

I used VATI as one of my resources for the NCLEX. I just took my exam this morning so I don't have my results yet. Your scores for the exams look really good. It took me about 2.5 months (and two tries at the comp predictor) to get my 'green light' from ATI. I am not 100% confident with ATI because they have you retake the same tests over and over again-which isn't helpful in my opinion. I would recommend (if you can) to purchase Linda LaCharity's prioritization and delegation book. I also purchased the Kaplan Strategy book-which was another helpful resource. VATI exams were nothing like the NCLEX questions, in my opinion. Good luck to you!

I honestly don't know about VATI either, I agree with you that their test bank doesn't seem to be very large and I don't know if my coach is going to give me the predictor before I test Friday smh. I do have the strategies book and also the PDA book but I doubt I'll have enough time to go through both (my procrastination is horrible) I should've read these a long time ago. Do you think reading the answer key to read through the rationales would help? Btw good luck with your "hold" I'm so scared to take the test and I cannot imagine after all that having to wait even longer for your results...praying for you!

I definitely think that reading through the answer keys would be helpful. It helps you see why answers are correct/incorrect. I feel defeated after the NCLEX though and not sure which book would help the most, I just know that VATI was not helpful at all. No wonder nobody uses them anymore. I didn't get a single delegation question but got like 4 prioritization questions...the NCLEX is just plain weird! Good luck to you and thanks for the prayers, they are much appreciated! :)

Yeah my school was Pro VATI and ATI last year and apparently they've switched to Kaplan...I think I may read through the rationales and maybe take the the comprehensive practice just to see how I do and then focus on the 35 page study guide. ...and you are very welcome!

YES, study that 35 page study guide like it's your job! I didn't think it would help me very much so I just breezed through it a few times. Looking back, knowing that study guide front-to-back would've made the test a bit easier.

Thanks! I will continue going over it. I just took the comprehensive practice and got a 69.3% I am pretty sure my coach won't be giving me the predictor tomorrow. Either way idk if I want to take it the day before I test anyway lol!

You will do great on the NCLEX. The comp predictor is not even a little bit close to the NCLEX so don't get down on yourself. My biggest piece of advice is to TAKE YOUR TIME on the NCLEX. I am a fast test taker because otherwise I over analyze each question, but looking back, I wish I would've slowed myself down. Still don't know whether I passed or failed though because my results are still on hold :banghead:. GO in there tomorrow confident and relaxed and you will do just great :yes:

Thanks! I will continue going over it. I just took the comprehensive practice and got a 69.3% I am pretty sure my coach won't be giving me the predictor tomorrow. Either way idk if I want to take it the day before I test anyway lol!

Oh, and I definitely would not take the comp predictor the day before your test. Just relax and go over labs and the 35 page study guide floating around here.

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