Published Feb 2, 2006
19 Posts
hello. umm, hope to get your insights on what i should be focusing in getting physical assessment for a patient who has uterine bleeding...
1,132 Posts
Well I have a uterine bleed problem ( menorrhagia) and have been seen for almost a yr b/c of it ( I have had 1 D+C so far- didn't work)....
...I can tell you that the things they assessed for are pain, "feel the uterus( should be soft)", signs of hypothyroidism + anemia, BP was taken- watching for drops in BP, CBC, hmmm..questions about start of problem, amount of flow + color of the blood, clot size, questions were "are you pregnant or is there a chance of pregnancy?" " any miscarriages/abortions?" , " past menstrual irregularities"
HTH a little:)
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
Also find out what medications the patient is taking... any oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy? Is the patient premenopausal or postmenopausal (painless postmenopausal bleeding is very serious, often indicating uterine [endometrial] cancer). Is there any pain with bleeding? How much bleeding (saturating a pad in less than 1 hour - patient at immediate risk for hemorrhage).
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
The physical assessment of a patient with uterine bleeding includes the following:
Also assess client's weight, BMI (overweight, underweight?). Being overweight can contribute to estrogen imbalance and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Nutritional status, usual diet? Any other medical conditions (such as diabetes)? Sexually active? Possibility of sexual abuse? Good link: (see Table 2, for lab and other tests frequently performed)
can i also ask about the nusrsing interventions? um, the usual independent interventions that is... and nursing responsibilities... thanks again:p
1,329 Posts
had an elderly pt the other night w/ bleeding; our dx was risk for impaired skin integrity.