Vaccination Rate for Flu vaccine

Nurses General Nursing


Hello everyone. I am currently in charge of entering the Flu vaccine compliance rate for employees at our hospital. We were at 74% vaccinated for 2018. I was just wondering about other hospitals and nurses that have compliance rates of greater than 90%, how do they document giving the vaccines to employees? The way we document the vaccine is painfully slow and redundant [paper & website], despite having electronic records/scanning equipment for medications. Any help would be much appreciated.

I don't know what tracking system we use, but everyone who gets the flu shot has their badge scanned before employee health administers it. Our compliance rate is pretty high since those who are not vaccinated are required to wear a mask while at work for the entire flu season (which seems to be getting longer). The managers receive reports of who is receiving flu vaccine and these rates are posted on the units. The only people who are exempt are those who provide documentation of an allergy to the flu vaccine. My previous employer did not make vaccination mandatory, but enticed people into getting it by entering all those who received the vaccine into a raffle for 100 $2 scratch ticket, their compliance rate was pretty much 100% (I guess people are more likely to be compliant when there is financial incentive).

I wish I have a laboratory to test their flu vaccines. In my whole life, I had one flu. Lol.

Everyone in my circle got it or wear masks.

Thank you everyone for the replies, I like that badge scan idea, Ill see if they implement it.

I guess I should have mentioned I work for the government. So far we have a couple of ways to document the flu vaccine.




and then the actual form to write on.

Also none of those system communicate with one another.

I like this idea! What is the system/software called?

I like the scratch ticket idea! Yeah at our facility its the flu shot or a mask, but realistically it cant be enforced as it would violate privacy of the people that declined the vaccine, unless they openly admit it then its enforceable, but they wont loose their jobs. I always thought people had a choice when it comes to declining treatment/medications, why should it be any different for employees?

We use badge swipers that automatically upload to a spreadsheet. Approximately 11,000 staff and physicians to track.

I like this idea! What is the system/software called?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
I like this idea! What is the system/software called?

Unfortunately I don't know. I've been on the swipee side, not the swiping side.

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