

Curious to know whether unions exist within the VA. I've heard of other workers in federal jobs joining unions-what about the nurses in the VA? Any information appreciated.

AFGE-American Federation of Government Employees.

Seiu Service Employees International Union

AFGE and my advice would be to join the union as soon as you gain employment at the VA. YOU WILL NEED THEM!!!! I have had to use them several times during disputes with management. I am a RN and they really benefit the RN's at myVA facility.

Specializes in Rehab, Corrections, LTC, and Detox Nurse.

At my VA RN's have GNA(Georgia nurses association) union the rest of the staff lpns, cna's hst's, housekeeping... have AFGE

Specializes in Critical Care.

I have worked at 2 different VA's with unions, I am not a member by choice. It seems they only protect the workers that deserve to be fired but we could debate that forever. Many of the nurses opt out of the union when the time rolls around because they are not what they thought they would be.

AFGE also. I joined when I was first hired on. Doesn't seem to be very active. I guess I'll find out if anyting ever happens.

The Va That I Work At Does Not Require That You Join The Union... It Costs About 8$ A Month To Be A Member. However, You Can Use The Union Anytime You Wish... One Nurse Who Has Been There For Years Says That The Union Is Basically For "problem Employees", And If You Are Doing Your Job Right, You Shouldn't Need Them.

We used our union when we had staffing issues on our unit. Their presence, along with some other help, put the pressure on managment to hire RN's as they were desperately needed.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I am a member of my local AFGE and we are currently working to get 36/40 approve (working 36 hours, ie 3 12's, and getting 40). It may take forever to get things done in the US government, but you gotta start somewhere :) I think we benefit from our union.

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