V-day is my doomsday...NCLEX!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


So I'm taking the NCLEX on Friday-valentine's day. I didn't want to take it then (I don't have a bf or anything, it's just that it's a cosmically bad day for me period, and I don't want to fail the NCLEX!!!), but the nearest date other than that was in March.

I'm in a weird program here in Jacksonville, kind of a pilot, for a bachelors. I just graduated with an ADN in December, and will get my BSN in August, provided I pass the NCLEX the first time. In this program, I have to be licensed by March 7th (which begins transition II and you have to be an RN at that point).

So not only am I a full-time student right now, and working, I have been studying for the NCLEX the past month!

*And here's my problem: I have major ADHD. I don't know if I believe in that diagnosis (shrinks have been saying I have it since I was a kid), and I'm on medication for it, and it helps. But taking practice tests-for the first 70-80 questions, I try to think through the question, and apply Kaplan strategies, etc. Then after that, for the next 80-90 questions, I get so anxious and just don't want to sit down anymore, I just say "F&$% IT!" and I just read the question once, pick and answer and move on.

I get more RIGHT with an I-don't-care attitude than when I read through it thoroughly!! But I can't just walk in the room and just not care about it! I have to pass the first time to stay in this program, and I hope I get the minimum questions, since I can't physically or mentally handle anymore than that!

Blah, that was a long rant, I needed to de-stress. So while you're at a v-day dinner with your honey, just remember I'm in hell at a testing center!!!!


Yea Jedi!!!! Tomorrow is my turn. A whole bunch of us are taking it tomorrow. Afterwards, I'm going shopping!!!:D

Congratulations Jedi!!!

Originally posted by Bonnie Blue

Yea Jedi!!!! Tomorrow is my turn. A whole bunch of us are taking it tomorrow. Afterwards, I'm going shopping!!!:D

Good for you, I went shopping afterwards, too, then I went to a party and got trashed ;)

So just wanted to tell you guys-the same roomie who flooded the apartment Thursday nite-DID IT AGAIN!! But it's COMPLETELY fllooded this time!! UGHGHGHG I can't wait to move out!!! STUPID B&$%H!!!!!!! If any of you are parents, teach your children how to live-cuz my roomies were never taught that! Turn a light out when you leave a room, the apt does NOT have to be 80degrees (put on a blanket!!!) and when doing laundry, don't leave it unattended till it starts it cycle!!!

The computer shut off after 75 questions. The questions were from all over the place. Then I blew a bunch of money shopping! Although, everything I bought except for the make-up was on sale.

Specializes in Neuroscience ICU, CNRN, SCRN.

Congratulations! I told you that you would pass! Best of luck with the rest of school...and thanks for your advise.

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