UTMB Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Howdy! I couldn't find a thread for Spring 2016, so I figured I would start my own. I'm having trouble with this whole application thing (mostly stress!), so I would love to talk to others going through this same process!

Oh okay cool. I have a 3.8 total GPA and my not totally sure about my pre reqs, but I know it's above a 3.5. I'm hoping that helps because I suck when it comes to tests! I've taken it twice and gotten a 78 and an 80. I'm taking it again on Thursday lol. Theres not a spot for letters of recommendation on the application, unless that's what the references are. I filled that part out today, and it said that an email was sent to the people. Under my references it has who I sent it to and then "requested" so they have to do something- I don't think they have to write a letter though.

Good luck on the test tomorrow! I take mine in a week. You seem competitive to me. That test score is competitive from what I've seen.

I sure hope so. I'm such a bad test taker, but I'm just trying to go into with a good attitude and not think about it too much- I overthink everything! I'm going through the study guide right now. A lot of what was on the test isn't even in this book....

Are you using the ATI book? I'm using that book to study and there is hardly any physics material in it.

Yeah that's what I'm using. There was hardly any physics on the exam last time I took it. There was a few kinetic/potential energy questions but that was it. There was a lot of biology.

Good! Some practice tests I've taken had a lot of physics on them. I hope you did well on your test yesterday!

I got an 84.7! I was so excited I cried lol. I think they have automatic acceptance or something like that if you have a 3.75 and an 85% on the TEAS. I'm hoping they round up lol! I went in this time not worrying about it. When I took it before I put so much pressure on myself to do well that I over thought EVERYTHING.

That's great! If they round up you won't have to worry as much. I'm almost in the B range but the E & L section keeps bringing me down. I hate the grammar questions

The grammar section is so ridiculous! I've always been good at that kind of stuff, but none of it makes sense to me on the exam! When are you taking it?

I'm taking it on Thursday! I'm getting pretty nervous. On your exam, were conversions included in the math problems? Like, english to metric conversions. Some practice tests include them and some don't.

I didn't have to do any conversions. The math was very simple.... So simple that you need to review stuff you did in elementary school lol. Multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting fractions is something I would definitely go over. Rules of operations as well. I didn't study at all for the math besides looking over fractions again and I got at least a 90% all three times I took it. Just try not to be nervous! Go in with the mindset that you can do it and don't overthink the questions. I would spend the most time studying the science sections. That's the hardest! And if you're taking it at the Testing Center USA or whatever it's called in West Houston, don't take any kind of bag or phone with you. They'll make you go put it in your car. I got dropped off and I told them I had no place to put my stuff and all they said was sorry- luckily I got there early enough for my ride to come back and get my stuff. Are you going to the FAN meeting tomorrow? Someone from UTMB is coming!

Hi guys!

I'm applying to utmb and TWU for the spring semester, but hopefully I can get in UTMB since I live in galveston. My prereqs GPA is 4.0, but since they are asking for my international GPA (which doesn't really work the same way) my overall GPA is going to be a 3.1-3.2 and my science GPA might be from a 2.9-3.0 so I'm pretty sure I'm less than competitive :(. I Took the TEAS without much preparation but I manage to make a 91, although I'm planning on re-taking it to compensate for my low GPA.

My counselor told me that unless I have all of my GPAs higher than 3.3 I should really put my hopes on UTMB :(

Also, at the open house in UTMB they said that they DO NOT accept recommendation letters.

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