Published Mar 19, 2007
4 Posts
Has anyone recently been accepted into the UTMB Accelerated BSN program, and if so what was the competive GPA and the interview like? Thanks
hunnybaby24, BSN, APRN, NP
247 Posts
I would like to know too, is anyone privy to this information?
What about the regular BSN program?
7 Posts
UTMB had picked their 40 people since the end of January...Just a lil FYI in case anyone was still waiting for an interview call...
175 Posts
40 people for the accelerated program?
The regular BSN program accepts 120 right? Have they picked all of those yet?
3 Posts
Has anyone recently been accepted into the UTMB accelerated BSN program, and if so what was the competive GPA and the interview like? Thanks
Hi, I was accepted and my GPA situation is not great. I have a non-science degree and my overall is around 3.3 and science is prob around the same. I think that my interview went well, and I think that helped. I'm scared now because it seems that everyone else that was accepted has much higher gpa's than mine!
I also am sensing that they did not have a whole lot of applicants for some reason. Maybe it is because not a lot of people want to go or cant afford to go down there for a year. I think it will help me to get away from home so I can concentrate on the classes.
If you have questions still I would call and talk to the admissions coordinator for BACC2. She is wonderful.
Hi, I was accepted and my GPA situation is not great. I have a non-science degree and my overall is around 3.3 and science is prob around the same. I think that my interview went well, and I think that helped. I'm scared now because it seems that everyone else that was accepted has much higher gpa's than mine!I also am sensing that they did not have a whole lot of applicants for some reason. Maybe it is because not a lot of people want to go or cant afford to go down there for a year. I think it will help me to get away from home so I can concentrate on the classes. If you have questions still I would call and talk to the admissions coordinator for BACC2. She is wonderful.
Thanks for the info
89 Posts
Hi guys,
I'm going to be applying to the Bacc2 program for next year, I have a B.S. in Psychology. I was wondering what the name of advisor you all spoke to at UTMB? I get emails from different people there when I used the generic info contact email that they had on there.
Congratulations to all those who got in and good luck to all of us working our butts off TRYING TO GET IT!
Thanks in advance, guys!
Oh, also, what exactly are they looking for in the personal statement/essay? I've heard of being as detailed as possible regarding explaining gaps school, grades, work schedules, etc.
Can anyone give me some advice?
Thank you!