UTHSCSA Spring 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


I haven't seen a thread for the Health Science Center in San Antonio, so I decided to create one since I am curious as to when we will find out if we are accepted or not. I am very nervous! I really want to go to this school but I know a couple of people that didn't get accepted from previous terms that had a better GPA or a better TEAS V score than I do. I am praying!!!

My last name ends in D. I'm sure more people will get them. Unless that means mine is going to take longer then I don't hope so lol

Your last name ends or starts with D? Mine starts with L

Your last name ends or starts with D? Mine starts with L


Does anyone know how good and efficient is the public transportation in san antonio? I used to live in Vancouver, Canada and loved to just take the bus instead of driving. Now I live in houston and own a car, but I wish I could sell it and use the public transporation :) what do you all think?

I also got that email. Wow great job on everyone that shared their teas, awesome scores!!! Congratulations that's a big deal!!!

I got the email too!! :) it was under the 'junk' folder

I would imagine that a good chunk of the applicant pool isn't qualified. When I have spoken to admissions at UT and elsewhere in the past, there are quite a few people that apply even though they don't have mandatory pre-reqs completed. In any case, good luck all and I hope to be there in the spring to meet you :)

Good luck to all too!! I was just thinking that I never introduced myself... My name is Danila, and I am from Venezuela. I am 20 years old :) I really hope we all get accepted, so we can meet very soon! Positive thoughts!!!

Thank you for mentioning that your email was in the junk mail, I was worried because I had not received that email, then I checked my junk mail and there it was...

Does anyone know how good and efficient is the public transportation in san antonio? I used to live in Vancouver, Canada and loved to just take the bus instead of driving. Now I live in houston and own a car, but I wish I could sell it and use the public transporation :) what do you all think?

Unfortunately public transportation is not great... It's sufficient but I personally would not sell my car and depend on it.... Especially with practicals

My name is Annie, I'm 30 from here- good luck everyone!

Unfortunately public transportation is not great... It's sufficient but I personally would not sell my car and depend on it.... Especially with practicals

Thanks for your response!! :)

Thanks for your response!! :)

To echo what Neptune said, the primary means of public transportation would be the VIA bus system and it leaves a lot left to be desired. Depending on where you decide to live, it can be a change or two between destinations. They do run quite a few to the Medical Center, but it can still take far too long. A good idea might be to check areas where you are thinking about moving and plug them into Google Maps with the public transportation option to get a feel for how convenient it might be. My house is only 5 miles away but would take an hour and 2 buses to get to campus.

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