UTHSCSA Fall 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys!

Anyone else here applying to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Nursing Program? I am currently a student at Texas State University and will be applying for the fall semester! The application deadline is quickly approaching, I'm super nervous!!

My stats are:

Math/Science GPA: 3.3

Overall GPA: 3.7

Overall TEAS: 90.7

Let me know your stats!


All really great advice! Thank you so much for your help

Hey there future Nursing students!

I know some of y'all are wondering if it is possible to work and do well in nursing school. Personally, I am able to manage working part time and do well academically. That being said I have a very flexible job that I can show up when I want and study while working. I do know some people that have stricter jobs and they are able to manage their time efficiently. I just would rather tone down my hours so that I ensure I learn the material. They pay well too. It really just depends your work ethic. If you have to work I would recommend applying for work study. A couple of tips I would have for first semester is start saving money now. There are SO many expenses that no one tells you about until the first week of classes. Also do not stress about how long it takes to get your letter of acceptance. They were super late getting ours out. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Hi, anyone else applying to UTHSCSA for graduate nursing program fall 2019? I need updates please...

On 3/27/2019 at 11:24 PM, Efu said:

Hi, anyone else applying to UTHSCSA for graduate nursing program fall 2019? I need updates please...

So far, those who have been invited to interview were sent an email to do so almost 2 weeks ago. We're now waiting to hear back our decisions. Supposed to hear back by April 15th.

Yea I did my interview last week, just anxiously waiting. What program did you apply to @n0ell3. I've been looking for applicants who also applied to same program

Just now, Efu said:

Yea I did my interview last week, just anxiously waiting. What program did you apply to @n0ell3. I've been looking for applicants who also applied to same program

The traditional BSN route

2 weeks out ya’ll... I’m so nervous ? how’s everyone hangin in there? What were your thoughts on the overall interview process?

@kciena24 I am soo sooooo eager to hear back... interview process was ok, I feel like I did fine but wasn't a big fan of it not being live. Kinda awkward seeing yourself on the screen and being nervous at the same time lol.

@n0ell3 yes! It took a lot longer than I expected to get used to seeing myself on video lol. I definitely went through the practice questions like 20 times to make sure I had the question/preparation/answer process down because it was throwing me off a little bit at first. Overall, I was pretty nervous but I think I did ok!

@kciena24 Hoping they get back to us by the 15th though, cause I'm sure some of us have seats held in other programs just in case we don't get into UTHSCSA... I'm supposed to pay for summer classes for another program starting April 22nd... soooo I cry lol

14 hours ago, n0ell3 said:

@kciena24 Hoping they get back to us by the 15th though, cause I'm sure some of us have seats held in other programs just in case we don't get into UTHSCSA... I'm supposed to pay for summer classes for another program starting April 22nd... soooo I cry lol

What summer program if you don't mind me asking?

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