
Specializes in Long Term Acute Care, TCU.

I am in week 4 of my first online MSN class at UTA. My concept paper was turned in 2 days ago. I am sweating bullets thinking that I may fail this class with a grade of 82. That's right, C is the new F when you enter the graduate program.

It is a lot of pressure and I hope that my posts throughout my journey will help others who come along after me.

My advice so far:

1. STUDY and READ everything for that first open book quiz. There are only a few questions and you will fret over each one.

2. Post your best to the discussion board. They really do read each one and will reduce your score if you are not quite grasping the class concepts.

3. Get ahead and stay ahead.

4. Do not get behind.

5. Read the rubric and be sure to include each element in your papers and presentations.

I will update as time goes by. Thanks and good luck to everyone else in the program now and in the future.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I will be starting 5327 in a couple of weeks, thanks for the advice! My books came yesterday and I plan to start reading it tomorrow just to get a jump start...

Specializes in Long Term Acute Care, TCU.

I found this from a syllabus posted on the internet and it is in line with what we had to read. Remember to be checking Blackboard so that you know when you have access. Your syllabus may differ. I had the fourth edition. Good Luck.

Textbook: McEwen & Wills. Chapters 1, 2, 6-9

McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins

If you make sure and follow the grading rubric for papers you should do really well. The instructions are somewhat useless but the rubric at least tells you what they are grading for. I also made sure to check out the questions section on bb even if I didn't have a question. Sometimes there are things that help or reminders.

Specializes in ICU.

I'm in this course too. I'm am so happy that it's almost over, but my grade is really suffering and I graduated Summa Cum Laude for my BSN at UTA.

In the announcements, the instructor put in this:

If you receive a "C" in this course you can still move on in the program. You may be temporarily placed on academic probation until your combined gpa is 3.0 but you will be able to move forward.

This is news to me. I thought anything below an 83 was a C which is a fail and you're out. I hope I don't have to go on academic probabation, but at least I can probably move forward in case of the worst.

I've found this course to be poorly designed and poorly taught. The reading don't seem to have anything to do with the rest of the course. The assignments are not well-explained. And my coach keeps counting me off on APA errors that aren't errors. I point out to her where she messed up and she acknowledges it, but won't change my grade. Why is my grade suffering because I know APA better than my coach?

I think I'm just frustrated with this particular course. Just finished the group project a few days ago and it was like herding cats. Ending up doing 2/3rds of the entire project myself due to flaky group members. I really don't think the rest of the courses are like this. We will find out. I'm taking 5301 next, the 5 week research.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

Research...ugh....just saying the word out loud makes me throw up a little in my mouth...keep us posted about how it goes, I'm interested to see how it compares to the undergrad research class (which was a disaster!). I'm taking 5327 in a couple of weeks followed by the dreaded research after that...

Specializes in ICU.

There's actually TWO research classes in the program, 5301 which is 5 weeks and then 5328 which is 10 weeks. No idea what the difference is, but I'm taking one right after the other so at least I'll get them out of the way.

The first is a more in depth research than the ban version. The second has you basically writing the foundation for a study on something that you pick.

Specializes in Long Term Acute Care, TCU.

I am happy for the ones that get to continue even though they do not make a B or better. I could just as easily be in that boat if the grade on my Framework Paper is lower than I expect. Right now I'm straddling between two grades. Hopefully this program gets better along the way.

Can you tell me what the names of the book(s) that are needed for this theory class. I too will be starting NURS 5327 on june 27th

Specializes in Long Term Acute Care, TCU.

Textbooks, Reading Material, and Resources: ALWAYS NEWEST EDITION!!

Mc Ewen, M., & Wills, EM (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. ISBN-13: 978-1-60547-323-9; ISBN-10: 1-60547-323-5.

Walker, L. & Avant, K. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing (4th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-119126-8.

NOTE: There is no guarantee that a newer edition will not be published before the start of the course.

Specializes in Long Term Acute Care, TCU.

I think many of us with Summa Cum Laude on our BSN should start lowering our expectations. The grade on the group work just about guaranteed that I will get no higher than a "B" in this course. Fortunately I am not one of the many who are either failing this course or fretting that they might get a "C". With no feedback, it is impossible to fix your mistakes.

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