Using Same Equipement on all Patients?


Hey heres a question, how many of you have a problem with using the same BP cuffs, SA O2 monitors, etc on all the patients that we know aren't MRSA , etc Positive. Sitting here I was just thinking, how many times have you gone from one of your patients to the other without disenfecting your stethoscope, or how many times have you taken a BP on patient A then went to patient B using the same BP cuff? Do any of you feel that we should be using individual BP cuffs for each patient, etc. Preaching clean your steh between each patient just like you would wash your hands between each. Your thoughts please.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

Virox wipes are great when they are available, which they are in hospitals but LTC isnt always so generous about purchasing proper supplies. Despite this, I wash or sanitize my hands between patients and wipe equipment down. When I get home, the uniform goes into the wash and I spray my shoes with lysol.

My hospital does not have the rule that clinical staff cannot wear their scrubs out of the hospital. I change into street clothes after my shift. Sometimes when I am in Wal*Mart and I see someone in their scrubs I wonder what little critters are jumping off, looking for a new host! I am an absolute germaphobe:bugeyes:

This is also something I think about. I clean my stethoscope A LOT - after every patient, before & after I work a shift, ect. because I figure it is like hand washing, it's going with me from patient to patient.

I came across a site that has disposable stethoscope covers. I ordered a sample and they look like they would be very convenient. Just like gloves and probe covers for thermometers, it fits over the scope then tears off to be thrown away after using on a patient.

The thing I'm wondering is if it affects hearing through the scope at all or not. Anyone try these before? I'm wondering if these will catch on in the hospitals.

Here is the link if anyone is interested

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

Guess I should come clean too, I am also a germophobe but that is because during clinical I got a really bad bug that left me vomiting off and on for days, so I just try not to get that sick ever again.

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