Published Dec 22, 2008
5 Posts
My hospital has installed citrix. We will be using this as the platform for accessing McKesson's Paragon applications. Anyone using citrix to access their applications? What sort of security measures do you have in place with regards to allowing physicians off campus access to your system? We are trying to figure out a way to allow our physicians to access our system but have security concerns. Anyone using site keys? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
We issue tokens that the 6 digit number changes every 60seconds.
so to access from home they place thier user name, password, then a pin that came with the
token then without a space the 6 digits.
Username- doctor bill
password- generic
securtiy- 1234987654 (the first 4 is the pin)
Hope this helps
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
Greetings jandr3301,
I'd also suggest you post this question to the CARING and NursingL listservs.
I think this may be a better question for a Network Admin though ............ I've worked with Citrix (in the past) in conjunction with Meditech Client Server apps.
Citrix client had to be installed on each device in-house (including the PCs in the docs offices off site). I dont remember having more issues with security and Citrix. Docs/all users were still required to use unique user names and pass words to access the hospital network and apps. I do remember issues with hardware (in the physician offices) version/ PC memory capacitiy incompatabilities.
Good Luck!
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Everyone comes through a VPN and signs a contract regarding protecting our PHI and proper use of our system.
We use token authentication in-house only.