Published Sep 9, 2013
BrandyGuynn, BSN, RN
47 Posts
Have any of you guys utilized the ATI books for your exams as a study guide? Our instructor told us pretty much what to know for the exam, and it seems to me that it's all in the book in order, and in a review form that's easy to read without all the added bulk from the fundamentals book. Anyone have success with this?
~Mom (aka superwoman!)
106 Posts
We are using air books as well not sure how the test is going to be cause we have our 1st one tomorrow but our review is in order as the fundamentals book.
95 Posts
Nope. My ATI books are on the floor collecting dust.
Philly_LPN_Girl, LPN
718 Posts
It depends on how the professor sets their exams up and if they are using the textbook test bank. If your instructor is using the book test bank then I would study that textbook. However, reading over a lot of matetials from my ati books has helped me with my exams they are very good.
Lucky for us our instructors make our tests. Took the exam last night and I really think I Aced it! I will know for sure on Friday. The ati book really did help for review. Was a nice refresher before the test!
421 Posts
Honestly, no. I normally review the ATI book 2 or 3 weeks before I have to sit for the ATI proctored exam based on my focused review results from the practice tests. The rest of the time, the ATI book is in a corner gathering dust. My class exams are NCLEX style questions based almost entirely on the text book.