Published Aug 25, 2009
17 Posts
I am a grad student in the United States looking for a nurse who would be willing to share his or her experinces as a nurse overseas. In my professional issues class we need to complete a project that profiles the nursing role in another country and I am wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out! I would love to hear how the nursing profession operates today in the Philippines. Thanks!
6 Posts
maybe I can help may I do that?
Would I be able to ask you some questions about your nursing career and your work environment for a paper I am writing?
8 Posts
I graduated nursing in the Philippines. If you're interested, message me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible...
72 Posts
maybe I can help you too, just Pm me if you have questions
I'm also a Phil. nurse graduate and willing to help you.
ok please...should we do it publicly or privately?
gianphilippines, LPN, LVN
50 Posts
I'm a nurse, working in a tertiary government hospital. Maybe I could help you out, just send me PM. Thanks.
new to do I Pm you?