US citizen recieved nursing degree outside US



My question is regarding relocating from BRazil to the US. I recieved my BSN at a Brazilian university. As an American will I just have to take the NCLEX exame in order to practice in the States?

Thank you


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello and Welcome to

Great that you joined us!!

I moved your thread to the International forum for a better response. Good luck and....



My question is regarding relocating from BRazil to the US. I recieved my BSN at a Brazilian university. As an American will I just have to take the NCLEX exame in order to practice in the States?

Thank you


Yes, that's just it. The req'ts for being able to be eligible to take it would have to be the same as any other foreign-educated nurse, though as you are still considered foreign-educated. Each State BON has diff. req'ts for foreign-educated nurses.

Ok thanks. And what about my academic curriculum? Will I have to have that all officially translated from Portuguese to English before taking the exam???


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Ok thanks. And what about my academic curriculum? Will I have to have that all officially translated from Portuguese to English before taking the exam???


Usually has to be officially translated. Also depending on BON you may need CES from CGFNS so generally you have a delay before you are given the OK with licensure and sit the exam. Each BON has different requirements but they are usually well set out under foreign trained nurses

Thanks silverdrangon

Anybody know if this will be the case in California? Will the BON in California require official tranlsation of my academic records???


Thanks silverdrangon

Anybody know if this will be the case in California? Will the BON in California require official tranlsation of my academic records???


Yes, all Boards will require an official English translation of your transcripts because they need to assess it.

One thing going for you is that CA Board of Registered Nursing does their own transcript evaluation even for foreign-educated nurses. Your school can send your official transcripts directly to CA BRN.

The only other addt'l req't for CA BRN is the fingerprint card w/c you can do in Brazil (Manual mode) or in the US (via Live Scan)

You can download the application forms on their website in and request a manual f.print card sent to you if you want to do f.printing while still in Brazil.

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