Urology Nurses Week 2017

The Society of Urological Nurses and Associates celebrates their nurses and staff during November 1-7th.


Urology Nurses Week 2017

Urology nurses function in multiple environments including hospitals, same-day surgi-centers, private practices and home health. They may care for patients with multiple co-morbidities in addition to urologic needs. The urologic nursing specialty requires its professionals to have a comprehensive knowledge of developmental and aging changes that are essential to understanding acute and chronic urological diseases. Here is an article about urologic nurses.

There are several sub-specialties for urologic nurses too:

  • Office nurses that assist with cystoscopies and sedation
  • Nurse Practitioners in urology practices
  • Nurses that administer intravesicular meds for bladder cancer
  • Pediatric urologic nurses

Many opportunities exist for urologic nurses and associates. Urologic associates are often unlicensed assistive personnel who help with procedures, assist with patient education and otherwise contribute to overall patient care. Often the nurse will delegate tasks to a urologic associate in order to focus on a nursing-related skillset.

Here is a description of a day in a urologist's office. You will see patients with appointments for recurrent UTIs, renal stones, and post-op follow ups. You might also see patients with the complaint of sexual dysfunction related to erectile dysfunction.

Urologic nursing can also encompass some aspects of transplant nursing. Renal transplants occur frequently and often are done in coordination with a transplant surgeon as well as urologist.

Nurse navigators help to coordinate care and ensures patients are kept up to date regarding their cares, assists with appointments, and facilitates communication. They work with physicians and other medical personnel to help with transitions and follow-up. Nurse navigators bridge the gap between hospital and out-patient care and work as an integral part of the care of the urological patient.

(Editorial Team / Admin)

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