Published Jan 26, 2011
William VanOrden LPN
6 Posts
Thinking on going from urgent care to long term care, still not sure have already been offered the job if I want it, any ideas could us some advise.
1,756 Posts
You're talking about 2 different worlds so it's a big decision. I went from working ER (army hospital) to LTC (civilian) so I know about entering into a different world. Without any info as to why you're considering this change, my suggestion is to stay in urgent care another year ( for the experience ) since you're a fairly new nurse.
Up2nogood RN, RN
860 Posts
Before you jump into a world that you may totally detest I would suggest a job shadow.
148 Posts
LTC LPN for 18 years.
LTC care is hard, demanding work.
It pays pretty good to be honest but these facilities aren't giving the money away, you earn it.
Yeah, I agree job shadow or just come in a observe a shift. In less than 10 mins. you'll know. Let the staff know you're there to see what the shift is like, test out their friendlyness and how frazzled they look.
One time, I went into a place that I kid you not, not one person even looked at me they were so busy and it was chaos.
Also let the person who interviewed you know, tell them you just want to see what the shift is like shouldn't be a problem. Or ask them for a more detailed tour on the floor. I have done this and I have seen many a nurse check out a facility.
Especially new nurses and new to LTC nurses.
Good Luck. Just find a way to know what you're getting into, it isn't for everybody.
Thank you very much for the good idea, I think a shadow would be a great idea .