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Hi all i failed out of ADN program in Texas this spring 15 and am really devastated, are there any schools i can reapply for in Texas or do i need to leave the state? In my school you can only come back after 3 years. if you fail two classes Thanks

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I'll be honest- I only clicked on this thread because of the word urgent, and I find the topic of this thread to be quite less than urgent, and probably only used to get people to click on the title. It's a bit deceptive.

However, before looking into other schools, you should first do some serious self-reflection and figure out why you failed. Any school that you apply to is likely to ask what you intend to do differently to ensure that you pass. Examine your study habits, your support system, your schedule, and anything else that can affect your ability to succeed. Come up with a plan to fix those issues- be it taking a study skills course, decreasing work hours, etc. Then start investigating schools that you can apply to- if they question why they should admit you, you'll have an answer ready.

@ Rose_Queen thanks for the quick reply Thanks for the quick reply...i actually failed one of my classes not because i did not know. i failed that class because i had a flat tire on my way to the exams. so i went in late and my teacher did not give me any extra time to finish the exam, coupled with the stress from the flat tire and exam anxiety. for the other i have already figured it out. i just want to of any schools that would admit me.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
@ Rose_Queen thanks for the quick reply Thanks for the quick reply...i actually failed one of my classes not because i did not know. i failed that class because i had a flat tire on my way to the exams. so i went in late and my teacher did not give me any extra time to finish the exam, coupled with the stress from the flat tire and exam anxiety. for the other i have already figured it out. i just want to of any schools that would admit me.

Since every scenario is unique you need to pick some schools and contact the nursing school and admissions department. You may find you are limited to high cost for profit schools until you are out 2-3'years

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