UPMC against Highmark merger in PA


I have some reservations about this deal. A few yrs ago, while living outside of the Indep BC area, I had to pick up individual coverage for a few months. I had a choice of Capital BC or Highmark BS. The Capital plans avail for individuals were good, and gave the option of a traditional plan (expensive, but totally unlimited with respect to where you went for care). None of the Highmark plans would allow me to travel back into the Philadelphia area for care (I guess because of the higher cost) - they seemed like all restrictive plans. Even the ppo made you stay out of the Philly area.. I did not feel the savings were worth it, and went with Capital. And they're going to take over Phila's Independence BC??? (getting nervous)

Specializes in He who hesitates is probably right....

The Evil Empire may have bigger fish to fry than Highmark. Seems the DarkSide is having some cash flow problems. Then again, so is the former empire, WPAHS. Interesting times...

I listened to hearings on PCN about this merger on several occasions. It sounds like a bad idea from what they are saying.

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