Published May 19, 2004
10 Articles; 18,929 Posts
doctors' proposal gets nod at mcp
rendell and specter lauded the hospital staff plan. tenet healthcare must agree to transfer the facility.
with a june 30 deadline looming for the closure of mcp hospital, sen. arlen specter and gov. rendell recommended yesterday that a group of doctors be allowed to take control and run it as a full-service hospital.
( by karl stark, inquirer staff writer, 05/18/2004 03:01 am edt)
check out:association to save mcp website for agreement with state
4,491 Posts
I hope it works out.
My prayers will join thoses of the nuns.
143 Posts
Excellent news! I just read about the troubles at MCP in Mother Jones magazine.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
Which issue? I love Mother Jones.