Untrustworthy supervisor


Did anyone ever have a supervisor that was 100% well known to be very very untrustworthy? Tonight I had a patient with a very low bp and I called MD who said send him out and the supervisor wanted to speak to the MD before I hung up. Before I know it she comes to tell me that the MD changed his mind because the supervisor said she felt comfortable with keeping the patient. Mind you she did not take responsibility for the patient and left him in my care and put a order in for midodrine to raise his bp. Well we didn't have that med available and she tells me oh don't mark off not given just go discontinue the order. Now by this time I'm extremely suspicious why would I carelessly chart not given or go as far as simply discontinuing her order... Get this she even "did me a favor" and charted that she spoke to MD and told me don't worry you don't need to chart a thing. I go look at her note and she lied about the Bp and pulse. So frustrated with this supervisor.

Agree with those who have suggested that you get away from this job sooner rather than later. It is only a matter of time before this supervisor pulls something like this again and you may not be able to extract yourself from the negative consequences.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.
I called to have the unavailable med delivered. I did manage to get him sent out and turns out he had a GI bleed.

Good for you for not giving up. I would have charted my own note about calling the MD, the response, what you did to get the med, the VS you personally obtained, and your assessments; and the follow up call. As far as what the sup wrote, all I would say is "sup notified at ___ time".

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