Published Nov 9, 2014
3 Posts
I'm currently working on functional health patterns for my clinical paper for the semester and I have a pt. with consistently elevated blood glucose. However he has not been diagnosed with DM. I was attempting to write a dx in regards to his blood glucose, but all I could find was a "risk for unstable blood glucose levels" in both of my nursing diagnosis books. Since a risk diagnosis is for something that has not happened yet this dx isn't really applicable. Is there something else that directly relates to elevated blood glucose?
1,761 Posts
I dont believe there is anything related specifically to unstable blood glucose, but maybe if I'm wrong someone else will chime in. But if you think about it, unstable blood glucose is caused by something else. Whether there be a raging infection, or a pancreatic issue, or an adrenal gland issue. Something is causing that blood sugar to rise. So unstable blood glucose is usually evidence of something else and we treat it with the condition causing it. There are interventions to reduce blood glucose, but those interventions will depend on the underlying cause. Cant just give everyone insulin because insulin deficiency might not be the problem. Can't just adjust everyone's diet because diet may not be the issue. Heck, even some drugs cause high serum glucose, but many times we cant just stop the drugs or cant just give additional. Basically, find the cause of the blood glucose instability and then diagnose around how the patient is responding to that condition and then base your interventions on blood glucose control.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Is this because of not following plan of care by patient or lack of understanding? Then knowledge deficit would be applicable.
Thank you both. The issue that I'm having is that I am required to write multiple dx's for each functional health pattern. I was trying to use a blood glucose in the nutritional/metabolic health pattern. I have already used dx's related to dficit knowledge and ineffective health maintenance in other categories. I do have enough to meet my nutrition pattern but I just wanted to see if there was a dx that dealt mainly with unstable blood sugar and I was just missing it. Thanks so much for your responses.
Wave Watcher
751 Posts
If your patient is on steroids you may see a rise in BS.
AmyRN303, BSN, RN
732 Posts
Pts with infection and DM (whether diagnosed or undiagnosed) may also experience elevated BG levels.