UTA Online BSN Accelerated Program Questions

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


Hi everyone,

I'm seriously considering the UTA Online BSN Accelerated program (Not the RN-BSN bridge) and had a couple of questions I was really hoping I could get answers to -

1. For anyone that has completed or are currently in the program - did you like it? Do you ever wish you had opted for a different Accelerated program, maybe one that was in-class, such as TWU?

2. How are the lectures provided to you in the Online program? One of my biggest concerns is missing out on the classroom interaction aspect of things. I learn best when someone's actually teaching the material and I can re-watch lectures if needed. I once took an "online" course where they just mailed you the book and you had to read/learn the material yourself, no lectures/videos, and the instructor was only available via chat/email for questions. Not fun.

3. I have a previous Bachelors and Masters in Business/Accounting so I think I mainly need Science classes for my prereqs. I haven't done a Degree Audit yet (but I will soon). I'm currently finishing up Biology 1406 at Collin College, taking Gen Psych and Life-Span Psych in the summer, A&P-I in the Fall, and maybe A&P-II and Micro next Spring. Are there any other classes I may need to think about taking sooner besides these?

4. I submitted my applytexas application yesterday to UTA with a start date of August 15th this year, mainly did this in the hopes of starting on Pre-Nursing classes - Pharma/ Patho/ Intro to Prof Nursing at UTA (I was told that those had to be taken at UTA only). Is that correct and is it advisable to take these classes while also having a fulltime job and potentially other classes at Collin?

5. Was it easy for you to find study groups in the program and were the professors helpful in answering any questions?

6. Is the Online Accelerated BSN self-paced at all or is it pretty strict on finishing up classes within a set period of time?

7. Is it advisable to have a job (full-time or part-time) once you get accepted into the program?

8. For those that are now RNs, how are you liking being a nurse? Any advice for someone like me who's looking for that much needed career change?

Thank you so much. I know that's a lot of questions, but I would really appreciate any and all feedback.


OMG! You threw me a huge life line. Thanks for your response. I'm completing my prerequisites right now, and needed to hear what you've said. I have to work FT as well, and I am glad to hear that there's hope.

Beccap, thank you SO MUCH for the detailed info!! This answered so many of my questions :) What degree did you already hold? I am a teacher looking for a career change and I am always curious about others doing the same :)

Reuben and phartley, curious to know if you made to jump to UTA and if so how are you liking it?

This really helped me to understand what 's to be expected when entering into the accelerated BSN program @ UTA!! Thank you, you were very encouraging/ insightful!!

Hi, am an applicant for the Spring 2019 BSN online program. Am also hoping to Take the 3 nursing prerequsites classes required: Patho, Intro to Nursing, and Pharmacology.

I have all the prerequisites, how are you guys studying/ studied for the TEAS? am worried about Reading.

I'm interested in applying to the Spring 2019 session as well. Currently working through a few pre-reqs, but it doesn't look like their specific nursing pre-reqs are available online (as of yet.).

Were you able to get into those @nice_guy? Most of their documentation states that you need to take those 3 classes at UAT specifically, but wondering what to do if they're not offering them before class begins.

How many classes are you transferring over? I've never seen a degree require so many History/English classes! Ah!

Hi y'all. I'm trying to understand Texas pre-requisites a bit more. Is there someplace that someone like me (out of state applicant) would be able to take pre-requisites 100% online? All the government/history/english requirements at Texas schools are kind of confusing. My husband and I are considering a move to Dallas at the end of the year so I am trying to keep my options open, but am struggling finding ways to satisfy pre-reqs and still be able to apply for different programs spring 2019 start.

Does anyone know what the odds of getting in are? I have applied to a nursing program at a private university and it is expensive and I just stumbled upon this online program and I would much rather go with this program. Just wondering because I don't want to just drop the other university and possibly not even get accepted here.

I am also trying to get into this program. I have a science background but no nursing experience. I work about 55 hours each week in an unrelated field and I am seriously worried that I can't fit 36 hours in a 24 hour day. I work about 11 hours a day and would still need to sleep and study at some point. Can anybody in the program enlighten me on how many hours you studied every week and if you had any nursing experience beforehand. I have a strong work ethic, but like I said, there are only so many hours in a day. Thank you in advance.

I have a question. I am looking at the UT Arlington BSN Online program. In the FAQs for the program, it states that candidates who are employed by a partner hospital will receive priority. What type of employment do they mean? LVN/LPN? Nursing assistant? Desk job? Medical only? Non medical? Can anyone clarify the exact type of employment to which the FAQs are referring? Thanks in advance!

I am curious about the 3 "pre-nursing" classes - intro to nursing, patho, and pharmacology. If I take these classes at UTA but am accepted into a nursing program at a different school, will I be able to transfer these credits? It seems unusual to me that the classes HAVE to be taken at UTA, and I haven't come across any other nursing schools that have this type of requirement. This is a significant investment ($350/credit hour * 9 credits), considering acceptance into UTA seems to be so competitive.


Hi all?, I am currently looking into the prelicensure bsn program. I have all my prerequisites finished except the patho, pharm, and intro to professional nursing. Some of My prerequisites are 5 years old though and I definitely hope I don’t have to retake them?. The thing is I feel stuck and want to continue my nursing journey. Do I have to retake classes?

@Lrec333 classes don’t expire at UTA, so you should be fine with the ones you have. The only thing I would say to retake are any classes you received a grade of C or less.

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