University of South Alabama WHNP

Nursing Students NP Students


Specializes in Neonatal/NICU/Women's Health.

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of applying for the University of South Alabama WHNP. I am looking at Summer of 2020 or Fall of 2020. I have been a Neonatal/NICU/Mother-Baby RN for 24 years. Excited but scared at the thought of returning to school. I feel at times that I am too old to start this new adventure! So nervous at times that I am even struggling with my personal statement to send. Any words of encouragement and insight would be appreciative!


Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

Good luck to you! I'm a current student at USA, but I'm in the Dual Role program. When you do your core courses, all tracks take the same courses, so we had many WHNP students in our group at the beginning. I'm now in clinicals/didactics, so we're all in our track-specific groups now.

Don't sweat the application process. You have so much experience in mother-baby, you'll be a shoe-in. With the personal statement, just write it like you're having a conversation and throw in a few APA citations about the field you want to study. They're looking to see how well you can write in APA format.

The core courses weren't tough at all and were definitely do-able while working a full-time weekend RN job in ICU. Now that I'm in clinicals/didactics, it's just too much work to work and keep up with school at the same time. I'm in clinicals 24 hours per week, have to spend quite a bit of time logging my clinical patients when I get home because there's no time to do it during clinical, and the rest is spent studying for the exams.

One of our OB/Gyn instructors is also a main instructor for the WHNP track and she's great. She hosts our live OB/Gyn lectures and narrates the PowerPoint study guides. So, far it's been a good experience. I can't wait to finish!

If you're not sure when to start, I will say this: your financial aid is disbursed only in Fall & Spring, and you have to save enough of the remaining amount to pay for Summer. So if you're relying on financial aid to pay your tuition, I would aim for a Fall start or you'll have to pay Summer out of pocket (or take out a non-subsidized high interest loan). Plus the curriculum plan works best with a Fall start. If you start in Summer or Spring, you end up having to do more than 2 classes in a few semesters and it's a beast to do more than 2.

Best of luck to you on your application ?

Specializes in Neonatal/NICU/Women's Health.

Thank you so much for the great Info! I appreciate you taking the time to respond! It is such a great help and good to know about the summer vs fall start date. I wish you the best as you finish up your studies!

Specializes in WHNP.

Hi wendi

I received my MSN and WHNP from USA ten years ago. I did not have any OB experience so I will say you will do just fine! However I do understand your concern as I applying for second specialty in PMHNP program and it’s a little scary. Good luck to you.


Specializes in Neonatal/NICU/Women's Health.

Thank y’all for your insight. I was just accepted into the Fall WHNP at USA. Nervous and excited to start!


Specializes in WHNP.

CONGRATS. I too was accepted to PMHNP program so I know your feelings. Womens health has been all I’ve known for ten years. Best of luck

Specializes in Neonatal/NICU/Women's Health.

Good luck to you too!! Thank you!

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