University of Memphis vs MTSU nursing school


Hi, I just signed up for the site, but I've been reading the threads since I decided I wanted to become a nurse.

I have a few questions about MTSU and U of M nursing schools.

I currently attend MTSU as a 1st year freshman and I'm in the process of completing my gen ed and pre-nursing prereqs. I came in with a few credits, so Im on track to completing my gen ed early. I havent taken A&P I yet because I had to take a prescribed math course and I couldnt take A&P I until I completed it, so I wont get to take A&P I until spring 2014. Then I'm supposed to take A&P II in the fall 2014, then micro in spring 2015. However, after spring 2014, I will only have to take 1 more gen ed class to have all of gen ed completed( I could have them all completed in the spring, but I chose to take a class where I could do my CPR certification instead). Would it be a good idea to take A&P II and that last gen ed class in the summer? Because if I dont take A&P II in the summer, I'll have to push back my nursing application a semester and end up paying for 2 semesters of unnecessary electives in order to stay above full time. Has anyone taken A&P II in the summer, is it really bad?

But my questions are:

1) Is there an interview part of the process like there is for MTSU?

2) How many semesters is the U of M nursing program? Is it 5 like MTSUs or 4?

3) Has anyone gotten in for Spring 2014? What was your GPA and your TEAS score? if you dont mind sharing.

4)Did anyone get into MTSU for spring 2014? and what was your GPA and HESI score?

Any other general information anyone wants to give about nursing programs in Middle Tennessee, I'll be open to them. I also considered Austin Peay.

If you have the ability to take A&PII/Microbio at dyersburg state I would! ----- is the main instror at that campus and he is an AMAZING professor!!!! He isn't easy BUT he makes sure you understand the material and is willing to stay and help a student. 5 years later I still remember the information I learned from his class!!!

1) Is there an interview part of the process like there is for MTSU?


IF I were you I would skip the cpr certification course and do micro. You can get CPR in less than 8 hours at a class and it would be a total waste of time and money. Plus you need to apply and if you don't get in you will have enough time to fall back on and reapply.

I didn't know UofM had an interview process for the BSN…Is that a new requirement?

U of M's website doesnt say anything about an interview for the BSN program. MTSU wont allow me to take A&P II and micro at the same time. I have to get "special" permission from the nursing department in order to do it. My adviser said they'll probably say no because I still have a summer semester and a fall semester to complete everything. I AM skipping the CPR/ First Aid class and finishing up my gen ed in the spring and taking a&p I. I'll probably end up taking A&P II and nutrition in the summer because UofM requires Nutrition and MTSU doesnt.

Also, MTSU requires the HESI and UofM requires the TEAS. Would it be really difficult to study for both? Does anyone have any tips?

Hey, I don't know much about MTSU's program but I'm currently in the program at Memphis.

1. No there is not an interview process

2. The program is 5 semester

3. When I got in my GPA was 3.5 but I think they said the cutoff point for my semester was like 3.1 and my TEAS score was like 85% or something I don't remember exactly.

I took Micro in the summer and Nutrition online was easy as can be and Nutrition wasn't required at MTSU but I took it anyways. I went ahead and applied even when my micro wasn't complete and I was accepted with a contingency.

Thanks CMarie92. Do you like Memphis' program so far? Do you know how many people they accept each semester? I know MTSU only accepts 64 outa goodness knows how many.

Thanks everyone! SerenityLove14, I plan on applying for the Spring 2015 semester while I have Micro in progress in the fall because the app has to be submitted in like mid October for Spring. What was your GPA and HESI score if you dont mind sharing?

Hey prettydoll123,

I just got accepted to MTSU for Spring 2014 and I am in the process of getting everything done that you have to have done by the time class starts. I got a 93 on the HESI and I had a 3.3 GPA. I had a previous degree in Political Science from MTSU, but I don't think that gave me any special place or anything. Anyway, I took A&PII during the Summer semester and it is challenging I have to say. I came out with a B. If you do it, you need to be prepared to study and study hard. I am talking several hours a night, at least. Our professor said if you have a job or children or ANY other classes, you cannot pass, but some people did and I know for a fact they passed, but that is ultimately up to you. Some people dropped it after she said that. In my lecture class there was a test weekly except for the first week and depending on who you get for lab, it can be hard too. Try your hardest to get Butler. He is awesome and cares more about you learning the material than what grade you get. The majority of my class got points added to help us out in lab, so take him if you can. He is really nice and he lets you leave really early if you want or you can stay behind and study more. If you take Jetton for lecture like I did, she is challenging, but she may be the only one available to teach it in the Summer. I can't really remember. I am taking Micro right now like you are thinking about doing (the semester you apply). You can also take Professionalism in Nursing (the first upper division class) the semester you apply, which I recommend simply because it gets it out of the way. Dr. Cooper teaches it right now and she is great. Just ask you adviser about taking it early and they will probably let you if there is room available in the class. I have also heard of some people taking Pathophysiology early, but that is rare apparently. Just a warning, I tried to sign up for Nutrition one time in case I needed it to apply to another school and the Nursing department blocks it also and you will have to get permission. I ended up not taking it so I don't know how hard it is to get them to do that for you. I would skip the CPR class and just take one somewhere else. I have one in a couple of weeks at Code One CPR in Murfreesboro. You get a discount for being a Nursing student!! Best of luck to you and I hope you get in at the school of your choice!! :)

Thank you so much! Very helpful info! How did your interview go? And did you apply anywhere else other than MT?

Thank you so much! Very helpful info! How did your interview go? And did you apply anywhere else other than MT?

I was going to apply at Cumberland but decided not to so only applied at MTSU. Interview is not a huge deal. It is two people and they ask why you want to be a nurse, what a nurse is to you, strengths and weaknesses, and why they should pick you compared with others. Stuff like that. Best of luck!!

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