University of Hawaii Fast-Track Program

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone!

Thanks to google, I found this site! This site has been so helpful with so much information that all of you provide. Thank you!

I would like to know if anyone here has any information on the fast track nursing program for University of Hawaii? I was more curious as to how many students they accept or if there's a waiting list. I heard it's very competitive, but wondering if I even got a chance.

Thanks for your response! :wink2:

Hi Bullpups,

I'm so glad to see that there are those like you who are willing to help and share their experiences, esp for a topic as this...and you can't beat hearing it from a student who actually went through the MEPN process and who is in the program. I already have a Bachelor's degree, only have a 3.0gpa (worried it's not high enough), currently taking my prerequisites and doing well--getting A's so far, and planning to apply for 2010. Initially, I've had questions regarding how well a graduate of MEPN is prepared to perform as CNS or APRN being that it's such an accelerated class...but the most important thing I'd like to know is, how difficult is it to get in? Do they mainly base their decision on GPA?, say, the highest of GPA's, like the 4.0 students definately get in, where any student below that has no chance? The big discouragement is the few that are accepted within a year...not even a semester! Also, being that it is very new to the University of Hawaii, I'm hoping they are organized and prepared to guide us along in the best possible way. I'm hoping you can give me some insight and I very much will appreciate it! I just feel like it's such bad timing that I wanted to do this at the most competitive time!



I am assuming you mean MEPN (since the accelerated BSN was d/c'ed to free budget for the program). I am currently in the inaugural class of MEPN at UH. I have plenty that I would like to say, but I am confident that you can PM me for any information that you desire. :omy:

Hi Bullpups,

I'm so glad to see that there are those like you who are willing to help and share their experiences, esp for a topic as this...and you can't beat hearing it from a student who actually went through the MEPN process and who is in the program. I already have a Bachelor's degree, only have a 3.0gpa (worried it's not high enough), currently taking my prerequisites and doing well--getting A's so far, and planning to apply for 2010. Initially, I've had questions regarding how well a graduate of MEPN is prepared to perform as CNS or APRN being that it's such an accelerated class...but the most important thing I'd like to know is, how difficult is it to get in? Do they mainly base their decision on GPA?, say, the highest of GPA's, like the 4.0 students definately get in, where any student below that has no chance? The big discouragement is the few that are accepted within a year...not even a semester! Also, being that it is very new to the University of Hawaii, I'm hoping they are organized and prepared to guide us along in the best possible way. I'm hoping you can give me some insight and I very much will appreciate it! I just feel like it's such bad timing that I wanted to do this at the most competitive time!



Hello, has anyone been accepted to the MEPN program for Fall 2009? If so what specialty? Hope to chat soon :typing

Hi Bullpups,

I too am considering applying for the MEPN program at UH. I have a BS in Biochemistry and thought that the MEPN program would be a good entry into an applied health science career. I am also a non-resident as I just moved from CA. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me before I invest a lot of energy into applying to this program. Thank you.

I am in for ANP. I am sure if you work hard you will get in. Be consistent with your personal essay and my advice is to read it again before your interview (I did while I sat and waited for the interview). Queen's Medical has an excellent volunteer program (not so specific in each area), but I did ER and got a good feeling of the health profession. Don't worry so much about the GREs, but do learn your A&P well. Get at least a recommendation from a professor. I am ready to be super busy in the fall, but I know what I signed up for. It's now time to celebrate, vacation, and mucho sleep. I applied to four schools so don't limit yourself to only one. UH was my final choice because it sounds "grand" compare to Columbia and Yale :) If you have any questions I am more than happy to reply when I have time. I'll keep a blog soon. Good luck everyone!

Hello! Congratulations to all who are accepted to the nursing program. I"m happy that I was accepted to the MEPN program this Fall 2009! I also got accepted to the traditional BSN. Let me tell you, it was really tough decision on which path I should take and after so much thought, I've decided to take the traditional BSN and decide my master's specialty later. I'm excited for you all and for those in the MEPN, I hope you share your experiences with us and I'll do the same. I wish you all the best!

Enjoy summer everyone! Once Fall starts, say goodbye to many social activities!

Hi Bullpups,

I am interested in the University of Hawaii at Manoa MENP Program also. I was wondering if I can e-mail you privately to get your input about the program and any advice you can provide me with! Thanks.

Help! I have heard alot of different things about the UH MEPN program. Can someone email me who is in the program so I can get sound advice?


Post an email addy and I will get back to you.

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

Please do not post personal email addresses on this site.. please refer to the term of service regarding this.

Thank you ! :)

Hey everyone. I am knew to this website as well and would like to know more about the mepn at UH Manoa program. I think someone brought up a good question regarding the chances of getting into the program with a 3.0 gpa and if they are more likely to accept those with a 4.0 gpa. I was wondering if someone could further explain this. Also, your experiences with the program in terms of being prepared for the NCLEX exam and surviving the course/work load. Also if you have any other suggestions? Lastly, someone was talking about an acclerated BSN at UH manoa. Is this still available? Even if you received a B.A. from a different university? Please feel free to respond. Thank you.

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to figure out how I could manually email you my questions. I know that bullpups is in the program. So if you kindly respond that would be great. Thanks

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