University of Calgary Nursing Transfer January 2017

World Canada CA Programs


I applied to the U of C Winter 2017 program! I took the Athabasca University A/P course and haven't done well in it due to some family health issues that have taken most of my time. It is strange for me as that course comes in way below what i am used to getting. I have a 89.46 major average at the University of Waterloo. Unfortunately due to the uniqueness of my program there, most of those high average courses wont transfer and they will probably end up taking my lowest marks. I am really confused about how they calculate averages though. I know that an 80-84 is a 3.7 but then it drops to 77-79.9 is a 3.3. So how do we know what is in between that? Also i have courses transferring from an exchange in Australia but they wont tell me what they translate to in my GPA. I think that i am actually about to go crazy from the anxiety that i feel not knowing these things! It is 1 am and i am frantically searching for answers when i work at 4 am. Can anyone help me out? Also when i called they told me that the cutoff is 3.07 BUT that the faculty will release a higher one later on. Good luck everyone! :)

@RedCoat52 I completed my fit test last week in the province that I reside in!

Hi all, I need advice from anyone who applied for the degree route and applied twice before been accepted to know how the person upgraded his/her GPA

When I applied last year, I had 3.49 but I took some courses at Athabasca and my gpa went to 3.61.I got A and A+ in the two courses I took,I hope that helps.

Hi! For the next intake they're changing the way the admitting GPA will be calculated. They'll be looking at the prerequisites and using those grades regardless of when they were taken. Maybe see if you can improve on any of those grades?

How's the housing hunt going for those coming out of town/province?

I'll be staying out of town, considering I just bought a house in Airdrie. Not exactly looking forward to the travel every day.

Ive been hesitant in purchasing my books lately. From my experience in my previous science degree, you don't use every book you buy. There were at least 3 books throughout my last degree that I didn't even open once and some I never even purchased. Any thoughts from current nursing students?

I just finished the U of C program, so I can tell ya a lil bit about textbooks.. the main ones you should really buy are Fundamentals and the Jarvis assessment, those are used throughout the entire program. You should buy the APA manual because they are huuuge sticklers about APA (seriously can't stress that enough, it was a nightmare). Buy NIC and NOC, they'll be helpful throughout the program, especially when you have to make care plans - which honestly isn't as often as I thought it would be, but these books are still good to have. If you're hurting for cash, you can maybe get away without these though and just finding the info online. I never once used the Ethics in Canadian Nursing textbook, so don't really recommend that. Canadian Community as Partner you will only use this term, so try finding a used one on kijiji, I can almost guarantee that the edition change won't matter, and then I recommend you sell it again after term 3 cause you're never gonna touch it again. Same goes for Community Health Nursing.

Also as a side note, they recently changed the uniform policy so you don't have to wear white shoes anymore. Not sure if they've changed that in the handbook or not, but it makes shoe shopping much easier.

Congrats guys and enjoy!

Specializes in Palliative Care.

That's amazing. I can't find a deal for nic and NOC though :(

Thank you so much. I'm so excited to start!

Hi,Kneuroknut. I am wondering do the last ten courses include English, Art, Statistics and A&P? And how about high school courses? do they require GPA as well? Thanks.

Thank yo uso much for sharing the information with us. It really helps.How is the program? is it stressful? r u in transfer route as well?

School is starting soon! Really looking forward to meeting everyone in a few weeks. Have a wonderful holiday!

Hi everyone,

Can someone help with information on how to get great deals on nursing textbooks? I am preparing for January classes and the costs of textbooks seem high. Please advise.

Happy holidays!

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