units with calculations?


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Are you required to put the units after math calculations? Also, does the exam specify to what decimal point to round to or is there a "universal" rule that you round to? Just curious.. thank you =]

Specializes in LTC.

I know that you round to the nearest 10th, a unit measures the way the medication works(action of the med) like heparin sodium, penicillin and insulin are measured in units, for the basic units, like meter, liter and gram, yes I always put it after the number but for the test, the answer is right there...someone please correct me if I'm wrong.:argue: But I was always taught to round to the nearest 10th.:wink2:

Specializes in Theatres, Scrub/Scout.

when i took the test, i had about 5-6 computations. the units were already there & you couldn't enter any character other than numerals. in the last part of the question, the number of decimal point is also indicated & written in bold..whether it should be a whole number or rounded off to the nearest tenth.

I had the same question during my test yesterday. Whole numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number and don't include fractions, percentages, or decimals. I had at least 6 drug calc questions and several had to be rounded. It was generally due to converting lbs. to kgs. and the conversion having a decimal. When I went back and rounded that part of the problem, I came up with whole numbers. This bugged me because I was taught to record my answers more precisely. My last drug calc question required 6 steps, converting weights, mcg/kg/day dose TID to ml/dose. Other than 1 question that asked that the answer be recorded using a decimal, this whole number thing bugged/distracted me for a while. Since my test shut off at 75, I either did fine on the math, or totally bombed it and the computer is saving its energy for my next attempt in 45 days or so...

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