Union University Accelerated BSN Students

Nurses General Nursing


Hello Everyone,

I am interviewing in August for Union University Jackson Campus Accelerated Nursing Program. I will like to know from current or past students their opinion about the program. How does tuition work for the total hours you take in a single semester? How are the professors? How many hours do you spend a week on lecture and clinical? Where are the safe places to live in Jackson?


any union students out there?

I interviewed for this program yesterday and took the TEAS. How did it go for you?

Hey, my interview and test is not till tomorrow. How was the test and interview?What location did you interview for?

Good luck. Of course, by the time you read this, it will probably be over. The interview went well. Everyone was very nice and the questions were on topic (none of the "describe your worst trait" kind of stuff). The TEAS went well for me but was not easy. There were questions about geology, for example, that I had NO idea about. As for campus, I am applying at Jackson.

I interview for Jackson campus too. The interview went great. The test was ok..I did good but it was a little tricky.. I pray we both get good news. Do you live in Jackson? Im currently live in Nashville but will be relocating there.

I live in the Nashville area too! Did you get your scores for the TEAS? I thought the interview went well, but you never know. They have a lot of good people to choose from. I am so anxious to hear back. Do you have all of your pre reqs done? I have 2 more (microbiology and path). I have been taking them at a local school. Today, I got an email letting me know that I have been accepted to take my pre reqs at Union. Do you think they expect me to take them at Union? There is no way I can do that. I have to stay local until moving for good.


I received an email of acceptance to take pre-reqs at Union, too. The only thing I have left is Patho. Im glad to see that "Dosages" is now a classroom course and not self-taught. So, does this mean we do not get our official BSNA acceptance until after completing pre-reqs this fall?

They said that letters of acceptance would be going out within 2 weeks of the interview. Could they have meant the invitation to do the pre-reqs at Union? Surely not.

Were are you taking Patho?

I assume I'll have to take it there, as Union is the only school that offers it in Memphis. Do you know of another Patho class? And also, I found it strange that they ask for CC/Debit information via email to receive registration materials. Did you pay your deposit already?

I live in Nashville so taking patho at Union is a bit out of the question for me. I talked with Ms. Smith and she said that the patho class starts in October. It's 8 weeks long. They're asking for money right away to get everyone enrolled ASAP. That might be your best bet. Do you know anything about how the tuition will work for the accelerated bsn program? How are you funding it? Have you got financial aid?

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