Union University ABSN Spring 2015

U.S.A. Tennessee


Anyone out there apply for the Spring 2015 ABSN program at Hendersonville? I just finished applying by the august 1st second priority deadline and thought I read somewhere that we wouldn't find out our acceptance until closer to December. Anyone have an idea if this is right? Seems it might be from previous threads that it takes about 3-4 months to get the acceptance email. I'm from Illinois so trying to find a place to live and roommate will be difficult in a month's time if accepted in December.

Thanks!! :)

Welcome to the thread @marmar13 !!! It's nice to meet ya! California will be a huge move but that's so exciting. I don't think there is an interview anymore, especially since Hendersonville is a recently built campus. I was just in Nashville last weekend and I drove up to see the school and it is one building but it looks very nice and the Hendersonville area is super nice! Everything is conveniently placed right around the school as well as nearby apartments. I can't really say how long it will take to find out our acceptance but my guess is about 2-3 months after you apply. I think the deadlines are basically admissions priority of who they look at to accept first. We are in a rolling admissions now which I believe means they will accept applicants from each priority deadline and then they will pick applicants who applied after priority but obviously before the overall deadline to fill the class size. I know that from previous threads that classes won't start until the end of January so that's nice, especially because I'll need a roommate and apartment as well! I'm glad to see some more people joining our thread and can't wait to see some more! Good luck to ya! :up:

Thanks!! Good to know there is not an interview...because that'd be a long way for me travel just for an interview, haha. There is an orientation right? Does anyone know when that could be/is? I am trying to figure out when we would know if we are in or not. I am waiting on a few programs and I am worried about the timeline, because I'd love to be able to choose and not just have to go to one by default since I haven't heard from the others. I am most worried about when we will hear from this one, since it starts late Jan! So far, I really like this program though from what I have read. I think it would be an adventure to leave CA for a little and live in TN...hard part would be having a long distance relationship though, hmmm.

Hey, I want to say our orientation is in January as well. Probably a couple weeks before classes start so moving would have to happen right after the holidays. It is frustrating not knowing when we will find out our acceptance. I'm job searching right now and its frustrating not being able to tell employers my plans since its all up in the air. Long distance relationships are not the best. I'm in one now, my boyfriend just moved from Iowa to Tennessee and I'm in Illinois. Its not ideal but with a little faith, trust, and ability to talk every night and visit every once in a while, you can make it work!!

I hope we find out sooner than Jan if we are in or not though :( So stressful. I emailed asking about a possible timeline of when we would hear!

And ya we did long distance for a couple of years already...(broke up a lot). Live in the same city now, so it's great, but that may all change again!! It'd be nice if you go to school in TN for your relationship, how ideal!

Oh I know, my anxiety is through the roof. But I know how those relationships go. It's stressful but yes Tennessee would be amazing and even if I don't get into this program, I'm moving down there and finding a career in business since that's what I minored in in college.

Oh good! What was your major?

I graduated with a BA in health science and then my minor in business administration. I went into the University of Iowa as pre-nursing and ended up not getting in there but the education and name of the school would benefit me later on so I didn't transfer out. How about you?

Oh cool! I went to Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and decided I wanted to do nursing but they don't have nursing and I did not want to transfer and risk not getting into a nursing program even, so I got my BS in Health and Human Science to take care of the pre-req's!

Oh that's awesome! We had the same thinking haha. Do you know if you have some of your classes covered for union then? Outside of prereqs I should have about 10 hours done already. Hopefully yours transfer into as well to give you a lighter load!! Btw for everyone on here, my name is Katie!

I'm not sure, I didn't even look at that! Thanks for the tip. And my name is Marlayna!

Hey guys I just now got my acceptance email… Yay!!! Im so excited. I have my fingers crossed for you guys. Your bound to hear something anytime now. My name is Chyrl by the way. Really looking forward to making plans for the move and getting started in January!

Congrats @layintracks!!! When did you apply??

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