Currently I am a geologist, and I work in a big fancy office for a big oil company. I sit in front of a computer Mon-Fri 8-5. I go for coffee breaks, and workout at lunch. It is pretty easy. I get stressed when there are deadlines or presentations, but other than that it is pretty stress-free. I am close to making 6 figures in my 3rd year out of university. Sounds pretty awesome right??
But I am totally miserable. I have no passion for it. It bores me to tears. The thought of working here for the rest of my life makes me want to jump off the 30th floor. Geology is different in that there are no right answers and you are making stuff up and then presenting it as if it were the absolute truth. I really don't like that.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I have been racking my brain for the past 2 years on what I might like to do instead. Discovering nursing has been like a light going on in my brain, but I am still unsure if (what I think are) my needs and the nursing profession will be a right fit. Here they are:
I want to be doing something different and exciting everyday, no sitting around and surfing the internet out of boredom.
I am an extrovert and am energized by my relationships with others.
I think it is totally awful that I am sitting 8-9 hours per day, sitting in the car, sitting on the couch at home.. even though I work out regularly I don't think humans are meant for this much sitting.
I want a career where I am doing something meaningful (ie. NOT finding oil in the ground)
I want to use my brain... I am a science geek.
I always want people to be comfortable and happy, and if I had a career doing that I think that would be amazing.
I have always been interested in healthcare, I initially wanted to be a doctor but my dreams of getting into medical school are long gone now. I've looked into phyisotherapy and occupational therapy as well.
I want the opportunity to work anywhere.
Monotony freaks me out.
What I am hoping to get with this post is some honest feedback from those who are nurses.
It is greatly appreciated :)