Unemployed for too long?

Nurses Job Hunt


I recently married and moved to Texas in February. I only had about 6 months of general med/surg experience before moving and I have applied to almost every single job opening I've come across for the last 5 months. I have been rejected for them ALL. I'm afraid that my growing unemployment length along with my little experience lessening my appeal to future employers. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to increase my "likeability" on my resume or just how to find a job in general?

Specializes in MDS.

If you have not done so already, LTC? Or expand your work from home driving radius. Also - this takes time since you are new to the area - focus on networking - making friends, etc. Try to establish direct personal contacts concerning places you are interested in - nursing managers, etc. You may try stopping by the facility to see if you can briefly meet someone. Stop by every few months - just to 'touch base'. If you cant get someone in nursing, try someone in HR - whoever - just make those contacts and work em.

Specializes in MDS.

Forgot to ask - when you say 'rejected' - does this mean not getting any interviews - or rejected post-interview?

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

You're in a rough spot...at 6 months' experience you are technically still a new grad and don't qualify for a lot of positions. At the same time, having 6 months' experience may have made you ineligible for many new grad programs.

Keep applying for anything and everything you can. Look outside of the hospital box if you have to. Also, you could give agency nursing a try...it's a long shot as you only have 6 months' experience, but you never know.

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