UNC-CH school of nursing Summer 2011 acceptance

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hey Everyone,

I applied to the first round at UNC-CH school of nursing and am wondering if anyone has heard back from the school. Or know when they should send out acceptance letters. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Hi makunc-

Technically anyone who applies for the ABSN option can also be considered for the BSN option, but not everyone who applies to the BSN option could be considered for the ABSN option, since there would be some individuals who don't already have a BA or BS. A friend asked if ABSN applicants could transfer to be considered as BSN applicants now. She did not get a definitive "no," so that is why I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything about this.

I heard about the 96 spots being available from the same friend who also applied to the BSN option. The SON has a weekly online chat. Before (for the BSN program), they would accept about 70 students in the Summer, and about 60 students in the Spring (total of ~130). Now, since they will only be accepting BSN students once a year, they are planning to accept 96 at one time. There is a similar plan for the ABSN students who will be applying for Spring.

Oh ok. So it will be easier to get in, at the cost of only being to apply once a year. They reduced the amount of people they accepted by 25% from the total of 130, admitting around 96 people annually only, instead of twice a year. That makes sense.

Still, this is kind of bittersweet. You have a greater chance of getting in, but if you're not admitted you have to wait a whole 2 semesters before reapplying.

Right. It should be easier to get in, assuming they don't give the ABSN applicants the option of transferring to the BSN option.

Has anyone heard anything else? Maybe when the letters are supposed to start coming out? On that budget reduction letter, they said March20th, but I am getting nervous...

If it is 96 people they are taking that is a great increase from 70, but if they let ABSN switch their application over to BSN the competition will get that much harder.

They may come out as early as the first week of March (next week), but at the latest, the week after spring break.

My friend who applied for the ABSN program got her reply form from UNC which only gave her the two options, so I don't think they're letting ABSN's switch over.

To makunc, did the nursing office tell you decisions could come out next week? That seems so soon after all this waiting, but the earlier, the better!

They could come out next week, but most likely the week after spring break. I hope they can get them out soon though...


A few weeks before the budget cut announcement, I was told by someone in the nursing office that we would have our nursing letters by spring break. However, because of the adjustments, I'm thinking they may need until March 20th. That doesn't mean I won't be checking the mail everyday of spring break in hopes of finding a nursing letter :)

Hey all,

I got some news from a friend who told me the last admission meetings is on Friday, so we probably won't be getting our letters till after spring break. Boo! More waiting :no:

Atleast we now know not to check the emails 10 times a day or check the mail box every two seconds. The waiting is just killing me....hope letters go out soon.

Decision letters will be going out this week.

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I got an email today saying we can go to the SON building and pick up our letters on Thursday after 9am (March 10!). If the letters are not personally picked up by March 16th at 5pm they will be mailed. Good luck to all!

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