UMHB Fall 2016 (Mary Hardin Baylor)

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey y'all. Anyone know anything about UMHB nursing program besides that it's an expensive private school? I need to know if the tuition is worth it in the case that I'm accepted to their program. Also feel free to share your stats or any information you've heard about the program.

I've applied to Texas State, UTMB, UTTyler, Sam Houston, and Baylor.

I have taken the TEAS, HESI, and Kaplan!

Hello all, I start the nursing program in the spring. Many of the people in this thread are already in the program. Has any here flunked a class or flunked out of the program? Just curious because I know someone there who just flunked out with a semester left. Wanted to get thoughts on how difficult the program actually is. Thanks you guys.

I just completed my first semester. We only take two classes. Most people struggle with health assessment. You just have to have a 75 exam average in all nursing classes you take. Example you could have a 80 overall average but if your exams are not 75% you have to retake the course & you can't go on until you pass just that one class. You get only one chance to retake a course 2nd time your out. There were a few in my cohort that are having to retake. I might have to sit out a semester because I didn't pass my chem class. So most likely I will be starting second semester once you guys get to second sem.

Since you applied for spring did you hear back by November? I'm applying for spring 2018 and just wanted to know by when I should hear back.


You should hear something soon. I know some people from spring got notified on the 31st

I also applied for Spring 2018 and haven't heard back yet. When I submitted the nursing portion of the application, they told me I would hear something back by mid-November.

So I just found out I was accepted into the nursing program. Does anyone have any advise on apartments?

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