Published Jun 20, 2016
20 Posts
Is anyone applying to UMASS Boston to start in September of 2017? I can't wait to submit my application. For the first time in my life, I am wishing for the summer to fly by!
NurseChae, ASN, BSN, RN
21 Posts
I am applying for the Fall 2017 traditional BSN program and I'm currently studying for the TEAS exam, I'm so anxious!
That's awesome! I just took the TEAS V back in June and it wasn't as bad as I expected. With studying, I'm sure you'll do great! Are you transferring from another school or will you be a first year student? I'm transferring from Bunker Hill.
Yes, I'm also transferring, I did my pre-reqs at Massasoit and I'm extremely nervous about the TEAS VI! But hopefully it won't be too torturous...I'm hopeful though! Did you go to an info-session yet?
No, but I actually just registered to attend the one on August 30th! The good thing about the TEAS VI is that they allow you to have a calculator! When are you taking yours?
13 Posts
Hi! I am also planning to apply for fall 2017! Where did you take the TEAS VI and they really let you use a calculator? thats great!
I'm taking mine next month. So nerve racking!
Hi! I took my TEAS V at Roxbury Community College. For my exam I wasn't able to use a calculator (because I took version 5) but for the new exam they actually let you use one which is great! Have you started the application process yet? Just a little over two months until the deadline! I'm so excited!
Hi all!
Can't wait to hear back to see if we get in! In the mean time, what are some of your stats like TEAS scores, gpa, and courses completed?
I scored an 87.3% on the TEAS, have about a 3.4 overall gpa (kind of low from a previous school) and a 3.9 gpa in my lab science courses!
I have completed:
a&p 1 and a&p 2
chemistry 101
human growth and development
Waiting to hear is killing me!!
Hi @akadlik !
I have a 3.6 GPA and got an 84% on the TEAS V, my science GPA is a 4.0!
So far I've completed
A&P I & II
Human Growth
& a few other classes that don't really apply!
I heard that we should be getting our decisions by the end of January! The end of January seems so far away! Have you applied to any other schools?
Thats so far away! ahh!!
No I am not applying anywhere else for nursing. If I dont get in I will finish my Economics degree and then apply to accelerated programs! How about you?
Also, I called the admission office to double check and they said by the beginning of January!! Makes it a little better but still so far away...
Good luck to everyone I hope to be meeting you all in the fall!!!!