UIC Graduate Entry Program

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi folks,

Thinking about applying to UIC's GEP program. Anybody here applied and was accepted? What were your stats?

My stats: 3.2 Overall GPA/3.5 Sci BA in Sociology. Office Manager in home health care, tech in a medical equipment co, medical assistant (no cert) in dr's office and later office manager there. Volunteering in Nursing Home around 120 hours...

From what I can tell on their website, after completing the NCLEX, you immediately start the master portion of the program. Is this correct?

I really wish we had a concrete interview decision date. The wait is killing me! And it would be SO nice to find out during Spring Break!

There aren't very many people on this thread compared to previous years.

Anyone doing anything exciting over spring break? I am doing clinical rotations at a local hospital for mental health/psych.

Hopefully that bodes well in our favor but I also think a lot of ppl "lurk" as guests. I know I did for at least a year or more.

I unfortunately no longer have a spring break since I graduated last year. Currently at work moping about not having a spring break.

Haha yes I sure hope there aren't very many applicants :)

I hope so too! Still keeping my fingers crossed that we hear something by the end of the week, because then it will be April already! @sittenfelt - i feel you! my first year without a spring break too and it sucks! But I took a couple days off work and am going back to Connecticut with my bf to visit his family for Easter. Road trip! hah just for a long weekend.

Where do you work?

I went to Seattle to visit family for spring break, but I'm back in Chicago now. It's a little bittersweet wanting time to go by faster so we can hear something, but that also means spring break is over faster (for those of us who still have one!).

Sorry to give you guys bad news but I talked to the nursing department and they told me that applications wont even be looked at until April 5th...

I'm trying to save my days off for this interview although I still highly doubt that I will fly to Chicago.

I work in a surgeon's office. What about you?

Sorry to give you guys bad news but I talked to the nursing department and they told me that applications wont even be looked at until April 5th...

Welcome! Thanks for informing us.

What speciality did you apply ?

That's really weird, I just called to double check (sorry I am very skeptic and don't believe anything until I hear or see it)... Anyways, they said the interviews will take place from April 5-25. With that said, applications will be looked at before the fifth.

Nice! Research lab for me...i really hope that's not true about them not even looking at apps till next week!! Ah!

I hope so too!

Hoping Monday will be the absolute latest! But I'm also needing to know so I can figure out if I need to take another class this summer... lol

I heard interview notifications will go out next week-but my source was a current UIC GEP nursing student-so I am not sure how reliable but she asked one of her professors last week for me (her specialty is PNP). I am still hoping we hear sooner--but at least it is almost April. I hope everyone has a good week. I am so anxious to hear back.

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