Published Feb 20, 2014
9 Posts
Anyone else plan on applying in August?
35 Posts
Hello I am planning on applying before August. I'm just really nervous about the TEAS test
7 Posts
I am also applying for the Spring 2015 at UHV. I have everything in order and I'm ready to apply, but I'm waiting to take the TEAS V test. I've heard that ati testing has a pretty good study manual that helps prepare you for the TEAS V, so check it out if you need any test prep material. I live in San Antonio and my only concern other than getting into the program is housing, so if anybody knows of, or heard anything about or have any suggestions about housing, please share it with me.
I am also applying for the Spring 2015 at UHV. I have everything in order and I'm ready to apply but I'm waiting to take the TEAS V test. I've heard that ati testing has a pretty good study manual that helps prepare you for the TEAS V, so check it out if you need any test prep material. I live in San Antonio and my only concern other than getting into the program is housing, so if anybody knows of, or heard anything about or have any suggestions about housing, please share it with me.[/quote']Thanks BirdGangStackRingsI have the manual and just started studying. Testing in general makes me nervous. When do you plan on taking your TEAS test? I'm not sure about housing I'm fairly new to Houston.
Thanks BirdGangStackRings
I have the manual and just started studying. Testing in general makes me nervous. When do you plan on taking your TEAS test? I'm not sure about housing I'm fairly new to Houston.
I'm planning on taking the teas in May, and if I have to I'll take again before the August deadline. Generally, I'm a good test taker, so I'm not worried about it. I know if I put in the time studying, I'll do well. I'm sure you will too...since this is your second degree, I'm sure you have studying all figured out. Anyway...if you have any questions, let me know, we're in this together, so we should be able to help each other out. 'Til next time...
I plan on taking my TEAS in May as well. As far as nurscas you have submitted your transcripts?
No, not yet. I've done everything except submit my transcripts and take the teas. I'm taking some classes this semester so I'm waiting until the semester is over before I send them in.
What classes are you taking this semester? I have to submit my transcripts but nurscas looks confusing to me. I wish we could just submit the transcripts directly to the school. Well I wish you luck with your classes this semester.
The only thing I'm taking this semester is Microbiology. I'm still dreading inputting ALL of my classes from my undergraduate work.
21 Posts
I am applying in August and I am taking the TEASV on June 30. I am doing well on the practice tests, I am just nervous because with my previous degree my overall GPA was a 3.1. I am not looking forward to entering in my undergrad work either :/.
I am nervous about entering my bachelors because I have a 3.1 as well. My masters is higher so I hope that helps me. I am nervous about the TEAS because testing makes me nervous.
Future Nurse3
2 Posts
Hey future nurses!
I am a former student of UHV 2nd degree nursing program 2014 and I wanted to share my experience give you some advice that I wish I heard before I entered the program in January. First off I have a bachelors in biology and a masters in biochem and I was initially pre-med and decided to switch to nursing so I could start a family and eventually become a nurse practitioner. After being in school for so many years I really wanted to finish as quick as possible and I knew that nursing wouldn't be nearly as hard as the classes I have taken in the past. I got accepted into 5 different accelerated nursing programs (including UTMB and UTHSC SA) and I decided to choose UHV because it was only 11 months and it started sooner then the mostly 15 months programs that started in May. I moved from Dallas to Houston and for the last 5 months I gave them everything I got. The stress was high. They accepted 60 of us and every other week people were getting kicked out. We shed a lot of tears watching our fellow class mates and more importantly, our friends, leave. Watching them leave was very intimidating, being next to get kicked out is always on our minds, but still a part of me felt like maybe they just didn't study hard enough or they had some other weakness that prevented them from making. The fear was real! But I felt like it would't be me because I was actually excelling and passing all of my classes. That was until 2 week before the end of the semester when they kicked me out not because of my bad grades but because of a check off where they had a lot of discrepancies between graders and the mood they were in that day. They failed me for stupid stuff like I didn't put the bed down after I gave the manikin a morphine shot, but I asked the teacher if she would like me to put the bed down and the teacher said "No! just leave it!" so I did!!!!!! Then I was so shocked when she took be to another room to tell me I failed because I didn't put the bed down!! I told her "but I asked you and you said just leave it" and the teacher said "oh I thought you meant the head of the bed not the whole bed" but she still failed me because of that! If I try to put the bed down and the teacher says not to and I stop and don't do it I feel like it wasn't my fault I didn't do it. After that I went and practiced a million times in the lab and I even got a teacher who was in charge of the lab to help me with my technique. The teacher taught me a easy way to give shots, and in her way she took a vial and took out more than she needed into the syringe and then placed the vial down and scoped the cap back on and wasted a little of the liquid into the cap. Then I did this on test day and they failed me for it saying that it was a waste of medication. I even told them that I learned that from the very teacher who they told me to practice with! But they didn't care, they failed me. Another time they failed me because I had little tiny bubbles in my syringe! Are you kidding me? I'm getting kicked out for this? I got so tired of this school that I just wanted to leave. I just felt like they were just trying to find reasons to kick me out! I wasn't even failing anything! I actually had an 86 in the class that the lab was attached to!!!
They kicked out more than half of the class in the first semester! The class before us started with 60 and only 40 graduated and when someone asked about that in the beginning of the year Dean Tart made it sound like people left because of their own life choices and she told us to not plan weddings or get married or have babies, and to ask for help if you already have kids during this program! Well trust me! None of us left because we got married or pregnant or couldn't handle being in school with kids! We were all kicked out!
This school likes to brag on and on about their high NCLEX scores for their students. But honestly they are cheating because they kick out most of their students that they saw weakness in! Maybe we would not have scored the highest in the country but we would have still passed!! Especially me! I wasn't even failing any of my classes when they kicked me out!! The worst part is that they are so focused on having one of the highest NCLEX scores that they don't even care about all the people they hurt! It is EXTREMELY HARD to get into another nursing program after you fail out of one. Most schools won't even consider me now! Failing out of this school basically means I can't be a nurse! About 30 students from the 60 2014 cohort have to give up nursing because of them!
So honestly!!! All I want to do is warn you because I wish someone warned me! I hardly found anything about UHV besides someone warned that they were racist but I'm white so I didn't pay attention to that. If you get into another school CHOOSE THEM!!! No matter how many months longer it is going to take you! I really wish someone told me that because I was accepted into 5 other schools! This wasn't my only option but now I don't have any options anymore! This school is new and it seems like they just care about High Score on NCLEX and not about making good nurses! Please do your self a favor and go to a school that cares about making their students successful! Ask questions about how many started and how many graduated from the previous year because that tells you a lot about how much they care about your success! You need a school and teachers who want you all to succeed! Not a school like UHV who only wants to weed out most of the class and keep the students who they think will do the best on the NCLEX! This school has literally ruined half of my class's future in nursing!
Another student from UHV 2014 Cohort blog:
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