UFV Sept 2013

World Canada CA Programs


I am starting a thread for UFV, Sept 2013 applicants (thus the title)

I am a Jan 2013 reject and hoping for a spot in the fall. Is anyone here a repeat applicant?

You're welcome. And I can't say that thought didn't cross my mind. I sometimes feel like they do things differently each year but that might just be me. So who really knows. I'm assuming your status didn't change?

Wouldn't it be better/easier for everyone involved, if we were notified via email? Instead of send an email that says 'We have made our decision", we could have received one that simply says "accepted/denied". This seems silly.


The only reason I would want a letter was if I was accepted. I don't want to sit around for a letter just to read that I'm rejected.

no change for me either ...

not for me riri.g still says "ready for review by program"

169U, is this your first time applying ?

It would seem that the odds are in our favor- in regards to a later status change. I did read in a previous thread, that some statuses never changed- Even though they were accepted. This is driving me insane. I am tired of waiting! I am tired of people asking me when I will be finished my nursing program " Oh, I haven't actually been accepted- just waiting for a spot for the last few years...:sniff:".

Just a thought, what are the chances that we have all been rejected? I have a friend that had her status change yesterday around 1pm and pet_lover here. No change in status for anyone today?! They said they made their decision but did they just not update all the applicants status' or did we all get rejected. What is happening.. so much confusion, worry and frustration.

Thank you for the hope, baileybee

I just don't believe that we didn't get accepted. What if they changed only a couple peoples status.. like the applicants who were accepted on their first try. Maybe since we are going through the second time they haven't changed our status ? Urgh my mind is going through so many scenarios right now

so frustrated with ufv..

Wow it seems like a lot of people are feeling the same thing... Were all frustrated. It's something we want so badly.

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