2013 UCSF MEPN Applicants

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi everyone,

I'm planning to apply for the 2013 cycle of MEPN at UCSF (application date would be September 1 of this year). I'll be applying for psych/mental health, and it will be my first time applying to this program. I was wondering if anyone else is out there who is applying for the 2013 cycle. I'm hoping we could share encouragement and tips!

Also, there's a thread for 2012 applicants- definitely check that out too. :)

sdominic1010, what was your interview experience like? Did they throw any odd interview questions or anything?

After reading the posts for awhile, I thought that I'd jump in- this was my third year of trying for this program (I haven't applied anywhere else, this is my dream school), and when I was invited to interview, I thought that my heart would stop!

My suggestions for anyone applying is to read through the great posts that are on this site and to spend time really thinking through the various example questions posted in terms of the interview. From my own experience, I was asked these various questions almost word for word. The interviewers are very friendly, and I was much more comfortable than I would have guessed. Now, I just have to wait and hope and pray that I do get in, I just love this program and this school so much- I was confirmed about that piece of things as well.

Good luck to you/us all! :)

Hey SCWOLF! I've been going over all the questions that magallanes posted. Thanks again magallanes! I'll be attending the meet and greet on Sat too. My friend who graduated from the MEPN a few years ago said everyone wore suits, so that's definitely what I'll be wearing.

You know, I think this years applicants may not know about this site or are just verrrrry verrrrry quiet. I mean if you google "UCSF MEPN" this site comes up as the 4th hit so it's not hard to find.

Does anyone know if the interviews are group interviews or done as individuals? I'd just like to get a sense of what the interview process is like so I know exactly what to kind of expect of the process.


I think you're right on the money when you say everyone is just very, very quiet this year! Back when we were getting notified about Penn interviews, I remember there would be like, 30 people viewing the thread but nowhere near that many people posting! Haha. So people know about this site but I just don't think a lot of people are brave enough to post. Or they're just too lazy to make an account lol.

Hi sdominic,

I interviewed last Friday as well and was able to attend the meet & greet on Saturday. I would say you didn't miss anything of overwhelming importance. They went over what to expect in terms of classes/coursework/clinicals, questions about the step out year, and their own application stories. I think the most useful thing I learned was that as a Masters Entry program rather than an ABSN/MSN program you get access to graduate funding right off the bat, so although you'll rack up a lot of debt in student loans at least they will all be federal student loans and you won't need to take out private student loans. They said to expect to take out around $75k in total for the first year. If there is any particular question you were seeking an answer to, feel free to ask.

Hi samadam,

Magallanes provided a very thorough interview question prep. I would say you're fine if you use those questions to prepare. Other than that, just try to be relaxed and let your personality shine through. In these interviews, they are really looking for a chance to get to know you and what you're about.

Also, you by no means need to wear a full suit. I saw people in slacks, a button down and a sweater, and other sorts of business casual attire vs business professional. Do look put together of course, but I don't believe they care overmuch if you're in a full suit or in alternative professional attire.

Specializes in Midwifery/Women's Health.

Hi all! I'm interviewing for the midwifery specialty tomorrow. Yikes. Doing some last minute preparation right now! If anyone is interesting in meeting prior to the orientation in that Health Sciences building for light breakfast mingling portion PM me :) Chiming to the quietness of this thread, I think it's a combination of quiet lurkers, possibly less applicants, and of course the inevitable feeling of competition! But regardless, I think we're already at the interviewing portion, so no point in having that mind set. I think it might actually be nice to have someone to talk to before the interview moment! I read that your interview might not even happen right after the orientation, so there could be a lot of down time of nervousness... lol I'll also be attending the meet and greet on Saturday!

Specializes in Midwifery/Women's Health.

Hi Sarahcee! Thanks for the additional advice. I'm tackling Magallanes' interview questions right now haha

Specializes in Midwifery/Women's Health.

Also! The interview email says we'll be interviewed by a nurse manager and a member of the faculty. Does this mean two separate interviews... or one interview with two interviewers? The second would definitely be daunting.

My own intereview had two persons interviewing me, each alternating with questions, back and forth. Most people were dressed to impress for the interview; I think that it's in your best interest to look your very best, as you do want to make a good impression on the interviewer's, and also...it'll make you feel that much more confident.

Here's something that worked for me- I went to the second floor of the Nursing building, to the Mezzanine (it's like a wide-open cafe), found a quiet table in the corner, and just sat there for an hour composing my thoughts, reminding myself about why I wanted to be part of the program, and trying to ground myself. That might be helpful for you too :)

In any case, good luck with your interviews!

Specializes in Midwifery/Women's Health.

Hi smallcarbonfootprint! Thanks for the clarification. Which specialty did you interview for? And I'm definitely going to try and get there early. Except I'm commuting from the East Bay, which is a 1.5 ish public transit commute. lol It's going to be an early morning. I actually sat in that nursing cafe in the summer of 2010 when I really decided that I wanted to go into midwifery. Kinda one of those silent "dreaming" moments haha.

Hello kdiem. I interviewed, like a great number of other persons, for the FNP specialty. Perhaps taking the BART and jumping on the N train is the way to go, one less thing to worry about. One nice thing about that cafe is that there's a piece of modern art-sculpture that shows a crashing ocean wave, it's helpful to look at that and quite soothing!

Sounds like you're following your dreams, fingers crossed for you...

smallcarbonfootprint how many other fnps interviewed with u last week? I hope that being part of the 2nd week doesn't mean I'm on the Lower 1/2 off fnp applicants!

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